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This documents the currently-needed tricks to successfully build a
[[glibc/chroot]] in GNU/Hurd.

# Preparation

For proper translator startup, the chroot storage needs to be handled by a
separate translator, for instance:

    # dd [...] < /dev/zero > storage
    # mke2fs storage
    # settrans -c chroot /hurd/ext2fs $PWD/storage

# Unpack

Debootstrap should be able to build the content:

    # debootstrap sid chroot

# Tricks

One current issue to know about chroots is that since passive translators (e.g.
`/servers/socket/1`) are started by the root translator, which is not aware
of the chrooting, these passive translators are started non-chrooted, leading to
a few issues.
[[!tag open_issue_hurd]]

## Sockets

Since the passive [[translator/pflocal]] translator will not be chrooted, local
socket creation
will actually happen in the root filesystem. To make things work correctly the
programs inside the chroot need to be able to access them:

    # settrans chroot/servers/socket/1 /hurd/firmlink /servers/socket/1
    # settrans chroot/tmp /hurd/firmlink /tmp
    # settrans -c chroot/var/lib/dbus /hurd/firmlink /var/lib/dbus

## Network

Unless using a separate IP for the chroot, it is preferrable to share the
[[translator/pfinet]] translator:

    # settrans chroot/servers/socket/2 /hurd/firmlink /servers/socket/2
    # settrans chroot/servers/socket/26 /hurd/firmlink /servers/socket/26