[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]] [[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled [[GNU Free Documentation License|/fdl]]."]]"""]] [[Remote procedure call|/rpc]]s are the basis for about everything in the Hurd. They're based on the [[Mach RPC mechanism (`mach_msg` system call)|microkernel/mach/rpc]]. An RPC is made against a [[Mach port|microkernel/mach/port]], which is the gateway to the [[translator]] that will serve the RPC. Let's explore the case of `open`ing a file, and advancing (`lseek`) ten bytes into it. The user program will be something like: #include <fcntl.h> int main(void) { int fd = open("test.txt", O_RDONLY); lseek(fd, 10, SEEK_CUR); } Both `open` and `lseek` are functions provided by [[glibc]], which translates these into the appropriate remote procedure calls. `open` first has to find its way to the actual translator serving that file, but for a file on the root filesystem, what happens boils down to calling the `dir_lookup` function against the root filesystem. This is an RPC from the [[`fs` interface (see `fs.defs`)|interface/fs]]. The implementation of this function is thus actually generated during the glibc build in `RPC_dir_lookup.c`, based on the `fs.defs` file, using [[microkernel/mach/MIG]]. This generated function essentially [[encodes the parameters into a data buffer|idl]], and makes a `mach_msg` system call to send the buffer to the root filesystem port, with the `dir_lookup` RPC ID. The root filesystem, for instance [[translator/ext2fs]], was sitting in its main service loop (`libdiskfs/init-first.c:master_thread_function`), which calls `ports_manage_port_operations_multithread`, which essentially simply keeps making `mach_msg` system calls to receive [[microkernel/mach/message]]s, and calls the demultiplexer on it, here the `diskfs_demuxer`. This demultiplexer calls the demultiplexers for the various interfaces supported by ext2fs. These demuxers are generated using MIG during the Hurd build. For instance, the `fs` interface demultiplexer for [[diskfs|libdiskfs]], `diskfs_fs_server`, is in `libdiskfs/fsServer.c`. It simply checks whether the RPC ID is an `fs` interface ID, and if so uses the `diskfs_fs_server_routines` array for calling the appropriate function corresponding to the RPC ID. Here it's `_Xdir_lookup` which thus gets called. This one decodes the parameters from the message data buffer, and calls `diskfs_S_dir_lookup`. `diskfs_S_dir_lookup` in the ext2fs translator does stuff to check that the file exists, etc. and eventually creates a new port, which will represent the open file, and a structure to keep information about it. It returns this new port to its caller, `_Xdir_lookup`, which puts it into the reply message data buffer and returns. `ports_manage_port_operations_multithread` then calls `mach_msg` to send that port to the user program. The `mach_msg` call in the user program thus returns, returning the port, decoded by `dir_lookup`. glibc adds a new slot to its [[glibc/file_descriptor]] table, and records the port in it. `lseek` is simpler. The glibc implementation simply calls the `__io_seek` function against the port of the file descriptor. This is an RPC from the [[`io` interface (see io.defs)|interface/io]]. As explained above, the implementation is thus in `RPC_io_seek.c`, it encodes parameters and makes a `mach_msg` system call to the port of the file descriptor with the `io_seek` RPC ID. In the root filesystem, it's now the demultiplexer for the `io` interface, `diskfs_io_server`, which will recognize the RPC ID, and call `_Xio_seek`, which retrieves the data structure for the port, and calls `diskfs_S_io_seek`. The latter simply modifies ext2fs' internal data structure to account for the file position change, and returns the new position. `_Xio_seek` encodes the position into the reply message, which is sent back by `ports_manage_port_operations_multithread` through `mach_msg`. The `mach_msg` call in the user program thus returns the new offset, decoded by `__io_seek`. `lseek` can then return it to the user application. When hacking, one usually does *not* have to keep all that in mind. All one needs to remember (or look up) is that when the application program calls `open`, the glibc implementation actually calls `dir_lookup`, which triggers a call to `diskfs_S_dir_lookup` in the ext2fs translator. When the application program calls `lseek`, the glibc implementation calls `__io_seek`, which triggers a call to `diskfs_S_io_seek` in the ext2fs translator. And so on... # Questions and Answers ## How do I know whether a function is an RPC or not? Simply `grep` the function name (without leading underscores) in the `/usr/include/hurd/*.defs` files. ## Why is it a libdiskfs function that get called? Because the filesystem serving the file, ext2fs, is [[libdiskfs]]-based (see `HURDLIBS = diskfs` in `ext2fs/Makefile`). Other translators are [[libnetfs]]-based or [[libtrivfs]]-based. `grep` for RPC names in those according to what your translator is based on. ## How do I know which translator the RPC gets into? Check the type of file whose port the RPC was made on. Most files are handled by the translator which is mounted where the files are opened. Some special files are handled by particular translators: * `PF_LOCAL`/`PF_UNIX` sockets are served by [[translator/pflocal]], see [[hurd/networking]]; * `PF_INET`/`PF_INET6` sockets are served by [[translator/pfinet]], see [[hurd/networking]]; * named sockets (also known as FIFOs) are served by [[translator/fifo]]. # See Also * [[hurd/debugging/rpctrace]]