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`libps` provides an API for accessing process information.  An alternative is a
[[Linux-compatible `/proc` filesystem|translator/procfs]].

# IRC, OFTC, #debian-hurd, 2013-03-09

[[!tag open_issue_documentation]]

    <Steap> what's the difference between PSTAT_STATE_P_STOP and
      PSTAT_STATE_T_HALT in libps/ps.h ?
    <youpi> Steap: from reading the gnumach source, it seems halted threads are
      thread which have finished they work but not finished terminating yet
    <youpi> while STOP is the standard preempted state
    <youpi> i.e. not sleeping, but have handed cpu to another thread
    <Steap> youpi: thanks. Is this "halted" state similar to anything in Linux
    <youpi> TASK_DEAD, probably