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[[!meta title="fsys_getroot"]]

    routine fsys_getroot(
    	fsys: fsys_t;
    	ureplyport ureply: mig_reply_port_t;
    	dotdot_node: mach_port_send_t;
    	gen_uids: idarray_t;
    	gen_gids: idarray_t;
    	flags: int;
    	out do_retry: retry_type;
    	out retry_name: string_t;
    	out file: mach_port_send_t);

Return a file to the root of the filesystem.  `flags` are as for
[[`dir_lookup`|dir_lookup]] (but `O_CREAT` and `O_EXCL` are not meaningful).
`do_retry`, `retry_name`, and `result` are as for [[`dir_lookup`|dir_lookup]].
The port should be authenticated with `gen_uids` and `gen_gids` (except, of
course, for `FS_RETRY_REAUTH` and `FS_RETRY_MAGICAL`).  `dotdot_node` is an
unauthenticated port for the directory in which this root is located.