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[[General_information|/glibc]] about the glibc.

For information about how the glibc integrates into the system, see sections
2.1 and 2.5 of the [[critique]].



# Cross-building

The long-term goal is to get `build-many-glibcs.py` to be able to cross-compile
glibc. This should be working as per the following:

    $ mkdir -p /tmp/build/src
    $ cp -a /usr/src/glibc /tmp/build/src/
    $ unset CFLAGS
    $ /tmp/build/src/glibc/scripts/build-many-glibcs.py --shallow /tmp/build checkout
    $ /tmp/build/src/glibc/scripts/build-many-glibcs.py --strip /tmp/build host-libraries
    $ /tmp/build/src/glibc/scripts/build-many-glibcs.py --strip /tmp/build compilers i686-gnu
    $ /tmp/build/src/glibc/scripts/build-many-glibcs.py /tmp/build glibcs i686-gnu

Currently the master branch builds that way without any testsuite issue.

To save some disk space, after the compilers stage you can remove src/mpc, src/mpfr, src/binutils, src/linux.

Build logs are available in `/tmp/build/logs`

# Building

One can build libc this way:

    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build
    $ unset CFLAGS
    $ ../configure --prefix=/usr
    $ make
    $ make check -k

One can run tests with the new libc by hand:

    $ ./testrun.sh ~/test

One can build by hand some target with e.g.:

    $ make $PWD/htl/libpthread.so -C ../htl subdir=htl objdir=$PWD ..=../