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UIDs on the Hurd are separate from [[glibc/process]]es.  A process has
[[capabilities|capability]] designating so-called UID vectors that
are implemented by an [[translator/auth]] server.  This
makes them easily [[virtualizable|virtualization]].

The standard POSIX interfaces to a [[glibc/process]]' UID management are
implemented in [[glibc]].

When a process wishes to gain access to a resource provided by a third
party (e.g., a file system) and that party wishes to authenticate the client
so as to implement some identity-based access control ([[IBAC]]) policy,
the latter initiates a three-way authentication handshake.  The server
and client each then begin an authentication sequence with
their respective [[trust]]ed auth servers.  If they have
a mutally trusted ancestor and an auth server does not abort the
transaction, then the client is delivered a new capability
naming a newly authenticated session with the server
and the server is delivered the client's designated UID vector.

For more details, see section 2.3 of the [[critique]].

# Open Issues

[[!tag open_issue_hurd]]

## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-09-26

    <braunr> teythoon: hum, i just saw something disturbing
    <braunr> teythoon: to isolate the leak, i created my own proc directory
    <braunr> and the mtab translators it spawns seem to be owned by root oO
    <teythoon> braunr: but how is that possible? are you sure? have you checked
      with 'ids'?
    <braunr> no i'm not sure
    <braunr> also, ext2fs seems to ignore --writable when started as a passive
    <braunr> < teythoon> braunr: but how is that possible?
    <braunr> messup with passive translators i guess
    <braunr> teythoon: actually, it looks like it has effective/available id
    <braunr> it has no*
    <braunr> this feature doesn't map well in unix
    <teythoon> braunr: ah yes, htop doesn't handle this well and shows root
      indeed, our ps shows - as username
    <braunr> yes

## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-09-28

    <braunr> mhmm
    <braunr> this process has no uid
    <braunr> isn't it a security issue that processes can remove their identity
    <braunr> i really don't like that we allow processes to loose their
      identity ...
    <teythoon> braunr: y not? I think that's a killer feature
    <teythoon> one that is notoriously absent in unices
    <braunr> not exactly
    <braunr> gaining rights to switch your identity is ok
    <braunr> since you have proven that you are allowed to do it
    <braunr> now, if you can remove your identity, you can create "ghost"
    <braunr> processes that can spend their day causing denial of services
      without the possibility for the administrator to know who is responsible
    <braunr> the unix "way" of dealing with DoS is to warn and ban users after
      they violated the rules
    <braunr> we need to have at least that possibility
    <youpi> perhaps we need to add an "initial" uid
    <teythoon> otoh the unix way of dropping privileges is hardly being able to
      do so at all ;)
    <braunr> teythoon: ?
    <braunr> on unix, you need privileges to drop your identity :)
    <braunr> i understand it involves security risks, but that's understandable
    <braunr> the thing is, we actually don't care about dropping privileges
    <braunr> we care about gaining them
    <teythoon> you cannot drop your identity, you can just use another one
    <braunr> exactly
    <braunr> that's what i want
    <braunr> and the way the hurd does it is superior
    <braunr> let's keep that
    <braunr> processes that should run with least privileges can simply have
      their own user/group as it's done on unix
    <teythoon> then how do you obtain such a uid/gid?
    <braunr> teythoon: you gain the right, use it to prove who you can be, and
      ask an identity switch
    <braunr> identities would then be managed at server side (in proc for
    <teythoon> I know how it's done on the Hurd, but who creates them for you?
    <braunr> the password server
    <braunr> well no
    <braunr> the password server gives you the right you need to prove who you
      can be
    <braunr> then i'd assume you'd ask the proc server for the switch
    <teythoon> but who creates the uid for you in the first place, who sets up
      a passwd entry
    <braunr> the administrator ?
    <braunr> what bothers me is that it goes directly against the main goal of
      the hurd
    <teythoon> indeed
    <braunr> but i think it's a better compromise of freedom/order
    <teythoon> I always thought that the ability to drop the unix-like
      credentials is really nice

### IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-09-29

    <antrik> braunr: dropping privileges doesn't unregister a process from the
      proc server... so it shouldn't be too hard to find out who is
      responsible. however, there are more effective ways to create ghost
      processes -- a special executable skipping the ordinary bootstrap won't
      be registered with proc at all...
    <antrik> however, that would be a non-issue if we had proper resource
    <teythoon> antrik: I do not believe that this is correct. every mach task
      will eventually be picked up by the proc server
    <teythoon> eventually being next time someone fork(2)s or so
    <teythoon> but if noone uses proc_child to claim the new process ones
      child, it will not be presented by the proc server as unix process (aiui)
    <antrik> teythoon: not sure what you mean by "pick up"
    <antrik> of course proc will see the process when listing all tasks on the
      system; but it will have no additional knowlegde about it
    <antrik> (which is the whole purpose of proc)

### IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-09-30

    <braunr> antrik: proc should be redesigned to fix these issues
    <braunr> in particular, the way that proc lists mach tasks to show them to
      the rest of the system is something i find deeply disturbing
    <braunr> hurd processes should be forced to go through proc
    <antrik> braunr: well, if we are talking about fundamentally fixing things,
      I believe the central proc server is not a good idea in the first place
    <antrik> I believe hierarchical management of resource management and
      information flow -- cf. nghurd and genode -- is a much better approach
    <braunr> antrik: i agree with hierarchical management of resources, but i
      don't see why this prevents a central proc server
    <braunr> i.e. one proc server per hurd instance

### IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-10-06

    <antrik> braunr: hierarchical management of resources doesn't prevent a
      central proc server of course; but a central proc server would fit really
      ill with hierarchical management of permissions...

### IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-10-07

    <braunr> antrik: does proc manage permissions ?
    <antrik> braunr: well, it manages some permissions... like who is allowed
      to send signals
    <antrik> hm... or perhaps proc is not involved in signal delivery itself?
      don't remember. but at any rate, proc decides whether it hands out
      privileged task ports
    <braunr> antrik: yes, it decides whether or not a client is allowed to
      obtain the message port of another task
    <braunr> antrik: but i don't see why this is a problem
    <braunr> what we have now is one proc server per hurd instance
    <braunr> how is that not both central (inside the hurd instance) and
      hierarchical with regard to resource management ?
    <antrik> braunr: we are probably talking past each other
    <antrik> all I'm saying is that in an ideal world, there should not be a
      central server deciding who is allowed to see and/or control other
    <braunr> antrik: how should it be structured then ?
    <braunr> i mean, how would you see it ?
    <antrik> child processes should be fully controlled by their parent --
      including outside communication
    <antrik> (like in genode AIUI)
    <braunr> isn't that conflicting with the unix design ?
    <kilobug> antrik: maybe I'm saying silly stuff since I don't have all the
      background, but seems problematic to me with SUID/SGID programs
    <kilobug> antrik: in which a child can be more privilegied than the parent
    <braunr> kilobug: that's part of my question too
    <kilobug> and it's even "worse" with Hurd's addauth in which any process
      can be given additional rights in runtime, but not its parent
    <antrik> braunr: one of the conclusions from ngHurd was that suid as such
      is problematic. it makes more sense to have privileged services actually
      run by the privileged user, and only requested by the unprivileged one
      using RPC
    <antrik> admittedly, I'm not sure how this interacts with UNIX
      compatibility ;-)
    <antrik> kilobug: in the genode approach, the parent would control that as
    <braunr> in unix, the idea of parent processes doesn't imply much
    <braunr> parents merely exist to reap resources from their children
    <braunr> and as templates when forking
    <antrik> yeah, but that's one of the major shortcomings of UNIX in my
    <braunr> sure
    <braunr> i'm just thinking out loud
    <braunr> if we want to maintain posix compatibility, it seems reasonable to
      keep it that way
    <braunr> despite the shortcomings
    <braunr> does that imply a centralized proc server anyway ?
    <antrik> I suspect we could similate suid in the hierarchical design, only
      that the resources would be accounted to the user under whose ID the
      process runs, rather than to the one who invoked it
    <braunr> i also have a hard time seeing what the completely hierarchical
      model brings compared to what the hurd does (isolating system instances)
    <antrik> and I don't think we need a central proc server. it could probably
      be done similar to the VFS: each process implements the interfaces,
      passing on to the children as appropriate
    <antrik> braunr: it's much easier to isolate parts of the system for
      security and/or customisation
    <antrik> that's actually one of the things discussed in the "critique"
    <braunr> i'm not sure
    <braunr> anyway, processes implementing the interface looks bad to me
    <braunr> that's already a problem with the current hurd
    <braunr> using normal client processes as servers means we rely on them to
      behave nicely
    <antrik> you have a point there: while untrusted filesystems can be ignored
      easily, ignoring untrusted proc providers would be problematic...
    <antrik> (I don't think it's strictly necessary to know about other user's
      processes; but we could hardly keep a UNIX feel without it...)
    <antrik> other users'
    <braunr> i feel the hierarchical model may imply some unnecessary burden
    <braunr> capabilities along with resource containers look much more
    <braunr> and not less secure
    <braunr> children would share the same container as their parent by
      default, unless they obtain the right to use another or create their own
    <antrik> braunr: decoupling control from resource ownership is *always*
      problematic. that's pretty much the major takeaway from ngHurd
      discussions (and the major reason why Coyotos was abandoned as a base for
    <antrik> if a process runs on your resources, you should have full control
      over it. anything else faciliates DRM & Co.
    <braunr> antrik: i see
    <braunr> nonetheless, i don't see the point of that restriction, since the
      simplest way to avoid drms in the first place is not using them
    <braunr> and that restriction makes posix compatibility hard to provide
    <antrik> I'm not sure it's really all that hard...
    <antrik> IIRC genode is aiming at POSIX compatibility
    <antrik> I'm not sure it's any harder than with the current Hurd
    <braunr> i didn't see anything like that
    <braunr> they provide posix compatibility by running legacy systems on top
      of it
    <braunr> well, namely linux
    <antrik> hm... they have some UNIX compatibility at least... perhaps not
      aiming at full POSIX. don't remember the details
    <antrik> Linux on genode? that's news to me... I know they do run genode on
    <braunr> anyway, i'll probably stick with the close unix approach for x15
    <braunr> http://genode.org/documentation/general-overview/
    <braunr>  In an preliminary study, a user-level version of the Linux kernel
      (L4Linux) was successfully ported to the Genode OS Framework running on a
      L4 kernel. This study suggests that Genode combined with an appropriate
      kernel or hypervisor is suited as a virtual-machine hosting platform.
    <antrik> hm... that's boring though ;-)
    <braunr> isn't it :)