[[img logo.png]]

[[toc ]]

# Introduction

* [[TheGnuHurd]] - A Brief Description
* [[HurdNames]] - Acronym, Origin and Usage
* [[History]]
* [[Logo]]
* [[Status]]
* [[KnownHurdLimits]]
* [[Translation]] - Localized sites about the Hurd
* [[Donate]]
* [[SeenHurd]] - Media references
* [[Shopping]] - Hurd Gear
* [[FunnyHurd]] - From a different Herd

# Understanding

* Introductory Material
  * [Marcus Brinkmann](http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/hurd-talk.html)
  * [Gaƫl Le Mignot](http://kilobug.free.fr/hurd/pres-en/slides/slides.html)
* Architecture
  * [Towards a New Strategy of OS Design](http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/hurd-paper.html) by Thomas Bushnell, BSG.
      * Marcus Brinkmann's [revisit](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/l4-hurd/2005-10/msg00651.html)
      * Jonathan S. Shapiro [comments](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/l4-hurd/2005-10/msg00654.html)
  * [[Critique]] - Analysis
  * [[Hurd_Hacking_Guide]]
* [[Concepts]]
* Other resources
  * [Docs at gnu.org](http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/docs.html)

# Using

* [[Running]]
* [[running/Distrib]] -- Distributions
* [[Public_Hurd_Boxen]]
* [[Neighborhurd]]s and [[Subhurd]]s

## Common Problems

* [[Console]]
* [[Xfree86]] -- [[DebianX]] -- [[DebianXorg]]
* [[GNUstep]]
* [[XattrHurd]]: Setting translators under GNU/Linux
* [[SerialConsole]]: Setting up a serial console.

# Contributing

* [[Contributing]]
* [[ToDo]]

* [[Building]]
  * [[building/Cross-Compiling]]

# Developer References

* [[Rules]]
* [[Toolchain]]
    * [[glibc]]
* Libraries
  * [[libpager]]
  * [[libstore]]
  * [[libchannel]]
  * [[libhello_example]] -- Hurd library example
* [[Debugging]]
* [Hurd Sourcecode Reference](http://www.htu.tugraz.at/~past/hurd/global/): Searchable and browsable index of the code.