Current and Past Announcements

These are all the announcements made over the years. Most of them were either to gnu.announce or Hurd interest mailing lists.
Release 0.2 announcement (complete GNU system)
Release 0.2 announcement (Hurd)
Test release announcement (Aug 96)
Test release status (Jul 96)
Binary image available, Apr 96
This and NetBSD boot flopies should be enough to get a working Hurd system!
New Snapshot, Apr 96 -- NFS and lots else works!
News Flash, Nov 95 -- ftp works!
New Snapshot, Jul 95 -- ext2fs support
New Snapshot, Apr 95
News flash, Nov 94
News flash, Sep 94 -- gcc runs!
News flash, Aug 94
News flash, Jul 94 -- emacs runs!
News flash, May 94
News flash, Apr 94 -- it boots!
GNU HURD announcement, Nov 93
GNU HURD announcement, May 91


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Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA

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Updated: 23 Jan 1999 matthias