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# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-01-12

    <Pete-J> Hello i am just curious of the development of Hurd - what's the
      current mission on the microkernel i see projects like l4 and viengoos,
      will one of these projects replace Mach? or will you stick with Mach
    <Pete-J> as i understand is that Mach is a first generation microkernel
      that's very old in design and causes alot of issues
    <Pete-J> that's where l4 and viengoos comes in - they are trying to be the
      next generation Mach - am i correct?
    <neal> l4 is not a drop in replacement for Mach
    <neal> it doesn't actually do much resource management
    <neal> for instance, you still have to implement a memory manager
    <neal> this is where several issues are with Mach
    <neal> l4 doesn't address those issues; it punts to the operating system
    <Pete-J> and what about viengoos?
    <neal> it's unfinished
    <neal> and it implemented some untested ideas
    <neal> i.e., parts of viengoos were research
    <neal> there has not been a sufficient evaluation of those ideas to
      determine whether they are a good approach
    <Pete-J> meaning that viengoos is a research kernel that could aid Mach?
    <neal> I'm not sure I understand your question
    <Pete-J> Well is viengoos trying to be a replacement for Mach, or will
      viengoos be an experiment of new ideas that could be implemented in Mach?
    <Pete-J> i am sorry for my limited english
    <neal> viengoos was designed with a Hurd-like user-land in mind
    <neal> in that sense it was a Mach replacement
    <neal> (unlike L4)
    <neal> viengoos consisted of a few experiments
    <neal> one could implement them in mach
    <neal> but it would require exposing new interfaces
    <neal> in which case, I'm not sure you could call the result Mach
    <Pete-J> Well as i understand you develop two microkernels side by side,
      wouldnt it be more effective to investigate viengoos more and maybe move
      the focus to viengoos?
    <antrik> no
    <antrik> having something working all the time is crucial
    <antrik> it's very hard to motivate people to work on a project that might
      be useful, in a couple of years, perhaps...
    <Pete-J> Well Mach is meant to be replaced one day - i see no reason to
      keep on developing it just because it works at this moment
    <Pete-J> *if Mach is meant to be replaced
    <antrik> it's not at all clear that it will be replaced by something
      completely different. I for my part believe that modifying the existing
      Mach is a more promising approach
    <Pete-J> as i understand man power is something you need - and by spreading
      out the developers just makes the progress more slow
    <antrik> but even if it *were* to be replaced one day, it doesn't change
      the fact that we need it *now*
    <antrik> all software will be obsolete one day. doesn't mean it's not worth
      working on
    <antrik> the vast majority of work is not on the microkernel anyways, but
      on the system running on top of it
    <Pete-J> ahh i see
    <antrik> manpower is not something that comes from nowhere. again, having
      something working is crucial in a volunteer project like this
    <antrik> there are no fixed plans

# Olaf, 2011-04-10

This version mixes up three distinct phases: rewrite from scratch; redesign;
own microkernel.

While Okuji initially might have intended a direct port of the existing Hurd
code, by the time I started following Hurd development (2004 IIRC), it has been
long clear that Hurd/L4 is a rewrite from scratch.

The next phase was the desire of Neal and especially Macrus to completely
reinvent the design of the Hurd. This was mostly fueled by Shapiro's influence,
resulting in a security-above-everything rage. It was in this phase that not
only the original L4 has been abandonend, but also all thoughts about using
newer L4 variants (which might have been suitable) were forsaken in favor of
Shapiro's Coyotos.

The whole idea of redesigning the Hurd -- especially for security concerns --
is highly controversial: I always strongly objected to it; and Marcus later
admitted himself that he got carried away and lost sight of what really matters
for the Hurd. (But only after realising that Shapiro's notion of high security
is fundamentally incompatible with the GNU philosophy.) I opted for not
explicitely mentioning this aspect in the FAQ at all, as it's impossible to
explain properly in a compact form, and probably impossible at all to do it in
an objective fashion.

The final phase -- following the realisation of incompatibility with
Shapiro/Coyotos -- was the attempt to create new microkernels specifically for
Hurd's needs. Marcus abandonned his pretty soon, and never made it public, so I
didn't mention it at all; but Viengoos is still relevant in certain ways.

BTW, my original text also more explicitely answers the question what happened
to the Coyotos port -- which after all is what the title promises...

All in all, I still think my text was better. If you have any conerns with it,
please discuss them...

# seL4

## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-09-27

    <cjuner> Does anyone remember/know if/why not seL4 was considered for
      hurd-l4? Is anyone aware of any differences between seL4 and coyotos?

## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-09-29

    <antrik> cjuner: the seL4 project was only at the beginning when the
      decision was made. so was Coyotos, but Shapiro promised back then that
      building on EROS, it would be done very fast (a promise he couldn't keep
      BTW); plus he convinced the people in question that it's safer to build
      on his ideas...
    <antrik> it doesn't really matter though, as by the time the ngHurd people
      were through with Coyotos, they had already concluded that it doesn't
      make sense to build upon *any* third-party microkernel
    <cjuner> antrik, what was the problem with coyotos? what would be the
      problem with sel4 today?
    <cjuner> antrik, yes I did read the FAQ. It doesn't mention seL4 at all
      (there isn't even much on the hurd-l4 mailing lists, I think that being
      due to seL4 not having been released at that point?) and it does not
      specify what problems they had with coyotos.
    <antrik> cjuner: it doesn't? I thought it mentioned "newer L4 variants" or
      something like that... but the text was rewritten a couple of times, so I
      guess it got lost somewhere
    <antrik> cjuner: unlike original L4, it's probably possible to implement a
      system like the Hurd on top on seL4, just like on top of
      Coyotos. however, foreign microkernels are always created with foreign
      design ideas in mind; and building our own design around them is always
      problematic. it's problematic with Mach, and it will be problematic with
      any other third-party microkernel
    <antrik> Coyotos specifically has different ideas about memory protection,
      different ideas about task startup, different ideas about memory
      handling, and different ideas about resource allocation
    <cjuner> antrik, do any specific problems of the foreign designs,
      specifically of seL4 or coyotos come to mind?
    <antrik> cjuner: I mentioned several for Coyotos. I don't have enough
      understanding of the matters to go into much more detail
    <antrik> (and I suspect you don't have enough understanding of these
      matters to take away anything useful from more detail ;-) )
    <antrik> I could try to explain the issues I mentioned for Coyotos (as far
      as I understand them), but would that really help you?

# Xnu (Darwin)

## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-03-30

    <mel__> did people consider to port Hurd to Darwin? i.e. replace GNU Mach
      with Darwin?
    <braunr> no
    <braunr> well, quickly only
    <mel__> wouldn't it be a reasonable idea?
    <mel__> after all, Darwin is production-ready and contains a Mach side.
    <braunr> not more than fixing gnumach itself, or using linux instead
    <mel__> well.
    <braunr> those implementations have diverged with time
    <mel__> i see
    <mel__> the fsf should pay people for fixing gnu mach then. :)
    <antrik> mel__: indeed someone consided Xnu (the actual kernel of Darwin) a
      while back; but I think he shelved the idea again. not sure about the
      exact reasons
    <antrik> Xnu implements a few improvements that might be helpful; but it
      doesn't address the really fundamental issues that matter for a true
      multiserver system...

# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2014-02-04

    <bwright> Is hurd still using the Mach Microkernel?
    <bwright> I am assuming the L4 port failed?
    <teythoon> yes / yes, i believe so
    <bwright> I am currently working as an intern on seL4 a verified
      microkernel variant of L4.
    <bwright> I was sort of interested as to why the port failed if there are
      any old mailing list posts etc.
    <bwright> Obviously if it is too much trouble to dig them up that is
    <teythoon> most interesting, i'm interested in software verification as
      well :)
    <teythoon> there's some stuff in the wiki
    <bwright> (I am writing a multiserver atm on top of it)
    <bwright> Awesome thanks.
    <braunr> bwright: iirc, l4 lacked some important asynchronous stuff
    <braunr> the all synchronous model proved insufficient for an efficient
      posix conforming system
    <bwright> Yep, posix can get very annoying in places.
    <bwright> Variants of l4 have async stuff that could probably work.
    <braunr> okl4 is the only one i know of that does this
    <braunr> but it may not have been the only issue
    <bwright> That is the one I am working with :p
    <braunr> the l4-hurd mailing list archives should tell you more about this
    <bwright> Great :D
    <bwright> Going to read through them and look into it.
    <braunr> there was also an attempt on coyotos which failed for other
      reasons related to the overall security mechanisms of the system iirc
    <braunr> enjoy ;p
    <bwright> On a side note I am also very interested in Multiservers.
    <braunr> so are we :)
    <bwright> I wouldn't mind hacking on hurd for fun in my spare time.
    <braunr> it would probably be appreciated
    <bwright> Currently porting a fuse implementation to L4 which is taking all
      my time. But might hang out in the chat and mess around where I can.

## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2014-02-06

    <antrik> bwright: the original l4hurd was abandoned because original L4
      didn't have any capability support, and implementing them in userspace
      turned out too complex and too much overhead
    <antrik> capability-enhanced L4 variants were only emerging at that time;
      and while they were evaluated briefly, the Hurd/L4 initiators turned to
      other ideas instead. the feasability of a Hurd port on a modern L4
      variant was never evaluated deeply
    <antrik> ultimately, the conclusion was that system design and microkernel
      design are interwoven very tightly, and it doesn't make sense to try to
      build something as complex as the Hurd on top of a microkernel not
      specifically designed for it
    <antrik> (this is in fact the same reason why the original Hurd on Mach
      turned out so problematic...)
    <cluck> antrik: fwiw i agree with what you said but it's a good idea to
      keep stuff like genode in mind, in fact i'd go as far as saying that in a
      microkernel it's a good thing to have interchangeable modules that can be
      easily swapped :)

# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2014-02-09

    <cusement> braunr: would you share your negative opinions about
      disadvantages of the existing L4s? A link to a dicussion is also fine of
      course. I know my questions might be annoying, since im not deeply into
      the materia yet. But Im interested in working on a open source kernel &
      OS alternative suitable for mid/long term requirements, after I was
      struggling with many deficits of monolithic kernels for years.
    <braunr> cusement: there are two i know of: 1/ many of them are purely
      synchronous, a property that makes it hard to provide some async unix
      facilities like signals or select and 2/ they don't implement
      capabilities, merely thread-based messaging, so capabilities would have
      to be implemented in user space
    <cusement> i was recently reasearching for alternatives, since i am simply
      fed up with the chaotic situation with the Linux kernel
    <cusement> like Mach, XNU , ... 
    <cusement> well, im still doing my research on alternatives, ATM i simply
      found L4 to have more future potential than Mach
    <braunr> cusement: can i ask you why you think that ?
    <cusement> for example i like the fact that there is (at least one) L4
      variant that is proofen "right" on theoretical basis, since i am very
      interested in creating a system with high security
    <braunr> cusement: what do you think does the formal proof bring to a piece
      of code that is, by definition, small enough to be easily audited ?
    <cusement> braunr: statistics. i could also write a small piece of parser
      manually, but when it comes to security, i rather prefer a parser
      generator, since it ensures that it will actually create a parser that
      will be secure, no metter with which grammar definition i feed it
    <braunr> cusement: i agree, but the part of the system it covers is so
      small it requires more justification
    <braunr> cusement: any other main reason ?
    <braunr> (we're not going to debate the merits of sel4 right now :))
    <azeem> cusement: if you are experienced in Linux device drivers, maybe you
      want to check out DDE?
    <cusement> braunr: well, i first actually have to check what the precise
      scope of the L4 proof was to judge about its importance. I actually just
      started to re-spawn my interest in micro kernels after years where i
      abondened it for myself as being not practical relevant.
    <braunr> ok
    <cusement> azeem: that was actually one of the biggest reasons for me to
      look at HURD. Because i am very unhappy about the chaotic driver
      situation in Linux, with no isolation whatsoever.
    <braunr> cusement: the hurd design is focused on quite more than that
    <braunr> cusement: it's a property of practically all multiserver systems
      out there to isolate each other
    <braunr> other properties makes the hurd apart
    <cusement> braunr: i know, but there also hybrids like XNU where drivers
      are still in kernel space
    <braunr> i don't consider xnu to be a multiserver system
    <cusement> braunr: well, xnu also runs various fundamental services as
      separate tasks / servers
    <braunr> cusement: let me check
    <cusement> xnu is mach based, and every mach derivative uses a multiserver
      design, doesnt it?
    <braunr> no
    <braunr> practically all mach based systems were monoliths in userspace
    <cusement> you mean kernel space
    <azeem> cusement: certainly at least the NeXT/OS X Mach-based setup is not
      very multiserver
    <braunr> cusement: no i mean userspace
    <braunr> darwin and mac os x are good examples of such systems
    <cusement> braunr: so you mean individual fundamental OS tasks on XNU are
      actually just processed by one server
    <cusement> havent really digged too deep in XNU, because of its monolithic
      driver concept
    <braunr> cusement: yes
    <braunr> it's basically a bsd server on top of mach
    <cusement> ok, got it
    <antrik> braunr: OS X actually runs the UNIX server in kernel space as well

## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2014-02-10

    <antrik> braunr: I believe all the "modern" L4 variants have some kind of
      capability support -- though they differ in the details, and when Marcus
      and Neal did the initial evaluation of the first two of them, it was not
      yet clear yet whether it would suffice for the needs of the Hurd...