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[[!tag faq/general]]

[[!meta title="Why can't I get the answers I need from Hurd hackers?"]]

Before asking a question, first make an effort to find the answer to your
question.  A lot of questions have been asked and answered before, so please
spend some time trying to solve the problem on your own (e.g., [search the
web](http://google.com/), search these web pages, etc.), and show us that you
did so when you ask your question.

When asking, (1) be details, and (2) demonstrate that you have made an effort,
e.g., "I am having trouble frobbing the foo.  I searched the web and only found
information regarding how to frob a bar, but that seems unrelated."  Provide as
many relevant details as possible reproducing them as exactly as possible.

This [document](http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html) may help you
understand some developers attitudes and social norms.