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You are interested in getting familiar with the GNU/Hurd system architecture,
or specific components of it?  Here is a collection of texts to read.

/!\ A lot of stuff is still missing ([[!taglink open_issue_documentation]]).

[[!toc levels=3]]

# Basic Knowledge

Before you can go details, you have to learn the basics about operating system
architecture.  Yes, really.

## Operating Systems Basics

Books.  Etc.

## GNU/Hurd System Architecture

### Capabilities

[[!toggleable id=shapiro_capintro_1999 text="""[[!template id=note

  * Our use of [[capabilities|capability]].  The
    {{$capability#wikipedia_capability-based_security}} article.
    Alternatively/additionally, [[!toggle id=shapiro_capintro_1999

    In the GNU/Hurd system, a [[capability]] is represented by a [[Mach

  * {{$capability#wikipedia_object-capability_model}}.  Albeit not directly
    tailored at the GNU/Hurd operating system architecture, this artice anyway
    does a good job at describing general principles of a [[capability]]-based
    system architecture.



# Specific Components

Documentation for...

  * [[GNU_Hurd|hurd/documentation]]

  * [[Mach|microkernel/mach/documentation]]

  * [[MIG|microkernel/mach/mig/documentation]]

  * [[UNIX]]

# Presentations

## 2015

  * FOSDEM: {{$community/meetings/fosdem_2015#thibault_hurd}}

## 2014

  * FOSDEM: {{$community/meetings/fosdem_2014#thibault_hurd}}

## 2013

  * GNU Hackers Meeting in Paris: {{$community/meetings/ghm2013#thibault_hurd}}

  * FOSDEM: {{$community/meetings/fosdem_2013#thibault_hurd}}

## 2011

  * GNU Hackers Meeting in Paris: {{$community/meetings/ghm2011#thibault_hurd}}

## 2010

  * GNU Hackers Meeting in the Hague: {{$community/meetings/ghm2010#walfield_hurd}}

  * Debconf 10: {{$community/meetings/debconf10#banck_hurd}}

  * Fosdem 2010: {{$community/meetings/fosdem_2010#olaf_hurd1}}
  * Fosdem 2010: {{$community/meetings/fosdem_2010#olaf_hurd2}}

## 2004

  * 2004-07-02

    Ognyan Kulev, *presentation of the Hurd*, at the seminar *LIO and friends*,
    <http://debian.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/~ogi/hurd/liofest-20040702-hurd.ppt>, in

# General

  * [[Media_Appearances]]