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  * [[community/gsoc/project ideas/driver glue code]]

  * [[open issues/user-space device drivers]]

  * [[service_solahart_jakarta_selatan__082122541663/device_drivers_and_io_systems]]


# Documentation

  * <http://demo.tudos.org/dsweeper_tutorial.html>

    Why device drivers in user space; different possibilities for getting
    device drivers; DDE's origins and rationale.

  * <http://wiki.tudos.org/DDE/DDEKit>,

    Structural overview of the components.

# Discussion

DDE essentially is a glue layer to embed Linux device drivers into another
environement.  In the DDE case, this *other environment* is a user-space task
-- compared to the GNU Mach kernel having a *in-kernel* Linux 2.0 device
drivers glue code (cf. paper by Goel et al.).

# Source Code

  * <http://www.inf.tu-dresden.de/index.php?node_id=1584&ln=en>