# Short guide to writing the MotH A simple guideline for writing the Month of the Hurd. ### individual news items The basic structure for a news-item is as follows: [person with link] did [task with link to testable code/patch] which brings us further towards [goal] by [short, easily understandable description of the contribution]. Each news item should show a step towards the mission of the Hurd. From [[community/weblogs/antrik/hurd-mission-statement]] you can glean the following basic goals: * Better support for day-to-day desktop use (more packages, more stable, more drivers, easier to setup, …). * More user freedom and possibilities for programs/translators. * Technical advancement. * More unique or at least interesting features. * Attract more developers and/or users. The reason for this structure is to resolve the problem that many people think that the Hurd won’t ever be finished by concentrating on the improvements and the steps towards completing our mission - but only once they have actually been done (to avoid showing anything which might become vaporware). ### sources for news Watch these places for news: * GNU * * * * * * Also Git log. * () * () Better use the Git log. * * Debian * * * Arch Hurd * * * ()