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Well as [[weblogs/ArneBab]] asked me to, I made a blog here in the Hurd's community section.

So I suppose it's time for me to introduce myself. I'm a lawyer student just short of my masters' (called "diploma" here in Slovenia) and a hacker by heart. I've been using GNU/Linux for over a decade now, started on Slackware and continued on Gentoo. I try to give back to the community by being an active member (posting bugs and whatnot), coordinating the local FSFE Fellowship group and lately also lending a hand to the Gentoo Licenses team. I keep a [website and blog](http://matija.suklje.name) of my own and occasionally even write some short sad piece of sloppy code.

Small disclaimer about my coding abilities:


For those who wonder about what IANAC IAAL means — it's the oposite of IANAL IAAC and means "I Am Not A Coder, I Am A Lawyer" ;)

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