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This meeting will be held in a to-be-determined place, at a to-be-determined time.  This page hopes to help finding a good time and place, and finding out who wants to come.

# Who wants to come?

Please add yourself here.

* [[Bas_Wijnen|baswijnen]] (no preference for specific times)
* [[Thomas_Schwinge|tschwinge]]
* [[Tom_Bachmann|tombachmann]] (weekend in the middle of germany would be preferred)
* [[Gianluca_Guida|GianlucaGuida]] (wherever, whenever)
* [[Samuel_Thibault|SamuelThibault]] (wherever, whenever)

# Who will come?

* (to be filled in when the date is set)

# When is a good time?

Please add any suggestions here, and add to your name above if that time is good for you.

# Where is a good place?

## Somewhere in Germany

This likely has the benefit of being relatively close to most people

<http://www.linuxhotel.de/community.html> might be a suitable venue at very
reasonable pricing.

## Somewhere in Italy

This likely has the benefit of better weather. ;-)

## Venice (Italy)

This certainly has the benefit of being in an awesome place. :-)  Perhaps we shouldn't care too much about that, since we're mostly busy with ourselves anyway. Or perhaps we should: beauty helps creativity (wow, I should use this as my next catch-phrase to convince a girl to stay with me: I will fail again, but with style! Gianluca).

# What will we do?

There will be talks with discussions:

* Bas will give a talk about Capability-microkernel-based operating systems, with an emphasis on how this can be useful for the Hurd.  The talk hopes to get people enthousiastic for the concept, and it will be tried to keep it interesting for people who are not yet familiar with the concepts.