[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]] [[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled [[GNU Free Documentation License|/fdl]]."]]"""]] [[!meta title="FOSDEM 2008"]] <http://fosdem.org/2008> FOSDEM will take place on February 23rd/24th at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. # Who And When [[!table class="table_style_1" data=""" "Name","Attending","Arrival","Return","Share room with us" "[[Bas_Wijnen|baswijnen]] and girlfriend","yes","Friday","Monday","yes (two)" "Christian Dietrich","no","n/a","n/a","n/a" "Colin Leitner","no","n/a","n/a","n/a" "[[Gianluca_Guida|GianlucaGuida]]","yes","Thursday","Monday","yes" "Marcus Brinkmann","yes","Friday, 17:00","Monday, 12:00","yes" "[[Michael_Banck|MichaelBanck]]","yes","Friday, 17:00","Monday, 14:00","yes" "Neal Walfield","yes","Friday, 15:20","Monday, 12:00","yes" "Olaf Buddenhagen","yes","Fr 15:27/15:32/15:36 (nord/central/midi)","Mo 12:09 (central)","yes" "Richard Braun","no","n/a","n/a","n/a" "[[Samuel_Thibault|SamuelThibault]]","yes","Thursday","Monday","yes" "[[Soeren_Schulze|SoerenSchulze]]","yes","Friday 19:43/19:46 Midi/Central","Sunday 13:14 Central","yes" "[[Stefan_Siegl|stesie]]","no","n/a","n/a","n/a" "[[Thomas_Schwinge|tschwinge]]","yes","Friday, 17:00","Monday, 14:00","yes" "Tim Retout","plans to go","?","?","no" "[[Vikram_Vincent|vincentvikram]]","no","n/a","n/a","n/a" """]] # Accommodation (Large) evening counts: [[!table class="table_style_1" data=""" , Bas, Gianluca, Marcus, Michael, Neal, Olaf, Samuel, Soeren, Thomas, Total Thu 21, , 1? , *<strike>1</strike>*, , , , 1 , , *<strike>1</strike>*, *<strike>4</strike>* 2 Fri 22, 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ,10 Sat 23, 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ,10 Sun 24, 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , *<strike>1</strike>*, 1 , *<strike>10</strike>* 9 """]] ## The Moon Hotel Samuel booked rooms at The Moon Hotel, Rue de la Montagne 4B - one triple room for the night of Thirsday 21 - two double rooms and two triple rooms for the nights of Friday 22, Saturday 23 and Sunday 24. (these were the last rooms of the hotel) i.e. 3+10*3 nights for a total cost of 1104€, which makes 33.5€/night. in each room there is a double bed, so some people will have to be "couples". Breakfast is included, there is hotspot wifi check-in can be between 13:00 and 00:00, departure is before 11:00 ## A-XL flathotel <http://www.axlflathotel.be/fr/tarifs.html> ## Youth hostel _Bruegel_ <http://www.vjh.be/jeugdherbergen/brussel/mainE.htm> Heilige Geeststraat 2 1000 Brussels Phone: +32(0)2 511 04 36 Fax: +32(0)2 512 07 11 <brussel@vjh.be> [Map via Google maps](http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=Heilige+Geeststraat+2,+1000+Brussels,+Belgium&sll=50.846056,4.344578&sspn=0.022599,0.086517&ie=UTF8&om=1&z=15&ll=50.843942,4.351444&spn=0.0113,0.043259&iwloc=cent). [Map via Map24](http://link2.map24.com/?street0=Heilige%20Geeststraat&zip0=1000&city0=Br%FCssel&state0=&country0=be&name0=&lid=43c26f81&ol=de-de). Been there in 2006 and 2007. It was okay. Rooms at ~ 18.60€ gaah, Full! <!-- [[SamuelThibault]] booked rooms at ~ 18.60€ there: [[!table class="table_style_1" data=""" "Night of...","Persons" "2007-02-22","<strike>7</strike>**6**" "2007-02-23","10" "2007-02-24","11" "2007-02-25","<strike>9</strike>**8**" """]] i.e including sdschulze, who hereby confirms --> We need someone to get the keys before 20:00. Reservations last until 16:00, so either he gets the keys before 16:00, or we just need to call for confirming the reservation [[I|tschwinge]] seem to remember something that in 2007 the Madame at the reception wasn't really happy with us arriving later than 16:00 even with having had confirmed that via a phone call. ## Sleep Well Youth Hostel <http://www.sleepwell.be/> Overbooked ## Youth Hostel Can Gogh <http://chab.be/> No under 18-ers and over 35-ers allowed. ## Auberge de Jeunesse Jacques Brel <http://www.laj.be/html/fr/auberges/brel/aubergesbrel_01.htm>. Samuel knows that one and liked it. antrik too :-) Unfortunately it's already full # What There will be a keysigning party, see <http://fosdem.org/2008/keysigning>. We don't have a Developers Room at FOSDEM. There is again a pre-FOSDEM meeting on Friday night, see <http://fosdem.org/2008/beerevent>. Both Neal and Bas would be happy to show their recent kernel works. <!-- # Photos Put links to your photos here. -->