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This is the proposal submitted by David Hedberg for GSoC 2010 (who opted
to go with another mentoring organization), adapted from an initial
proposal and several amendments into a single document, but the idea
is to further adapt it to a more neutral design document over time.

# The proposal

### Quick description of POSIX capabilities

The original suggestion can be found [[here|libcap]].
POSIX capabilities never actually entered the POSIX standard but was
left as a draft.  Linux has nevertheless implemented this draft, and
there are reasons for doing the same in the Hurd - a more fine grained
control of rights leading to increased security being one of them.

POSIX capabilities are give on a per-process basis, and basically allows
splitting up those rights usually granted to root into smaller and more
specific rights.  Examples of capabilities are CAP_CHOWN and CAP_KILL,
overriding certain restrictions on chown and allowing the process to
kill processes with different UID's, respectively.

Each process is given three sets with capabilities: the Permitted set
(P), the Effective set (E) and the Inheritable set (I).  The effective
set contains the capabilities that are currently active.  The permitted
set contains the capabilities that the process has the right to use.
The inheritable set contains the capabilities that can be inherited
by children to the process.  A process can drop capabilities from its
permitted set, but not set them.  The effective set and the inheritable
set can be changed freely as long as they stay subsets of the permitted

Capabilities can also be set on executables.  When executed, the resulting
process is given the capabilities both as defined by the parent process
and by the capabilities set on the file (formula below), resulting in
what might be explained as a fine-grained setuid.  Implementing this
requires support for *xattr* or similar.

Some applications that are currently using capabilities are samba, ntp,
vsftp, pure-ftpd, proftpd, squid, asterisk and dovecot.

### A quick description of capabilities in Linux

Each process has a three bit fields representing each of the three
sets (P, E and I).  Each bit field is currently built up of two (32
bit) integers to be able to hold the 33 currently defined capabilities
(see linux/capability.h).  Each process further has a bounding set which
bounds the permitted set.  Two syscalls handles the setting and getting
of capabilities; *capset* and *capget*.  Some related functionality
can also be controlled by calling *prctl*: the right to read/drop the
bounding capabilities (PR_CAPBSET_READ/PR_CAPBSET_DROP) and whether
or not the process should keep its capabilities when a change is made
to the threads UID's (PR_SET_KEEPCAPS/PR_GET_KEEPCAPS).  User space
applications are expected(recommended?) to use libcap to take advantage
of the functionality provided.  Some applications also use libcap-ng
which is "intended to make programming with POSIX capabilities much
easier than  the traditional libcap library".  Most applications seem
to be using the original libcap, however.

## Implementing libcap

The exercise for this assignment was to get the libcap used in
Linux to compile under the Hurd.  This was accomplished using the
latest git version of libcap from (..), corresponding to libcap
2.19.  The changes were simple and amounted to simply removing the
dependency on some Linux-specific headers and creating stubs for
capset, capget and prctl described above.  This suggests that porting
this library to the Hurd once the proper functionality is in place
could be relatively simple.  The patch is available
[here](https://alioth.debian.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=312442&group_id=30628&atid=410472 "Alioth").
One could also consider implementing the three missing functions in the
Hurd (or Hurd glibc) which would allow the usage of the Linux libcap
without modifications.  As the Linux libcap maintainer might or might
not be interested in making libcap multi platform, this approach might
be preferable.

## Implementing POSIX capabilities in the Hurd

As I am still reading up on how things fit together in the Hurd this is
very likely to contain some misunderstandings and be at least partly off
the mark.  I intend to have grasped this by the time I start working on
it however, if I were to be given the chance.  Below are two possible
approaches as I have understood them after some reading and discussions
on #hurd@freenode.

### The basics, Approach 1: Special UID's

Let each capability be represented by a specific UID.  One could imagine
reserving a range of the possible uid_t's for this purpose.  The euids
vector in the authhandle struct could perhaps hold the effective set while
the auids vector could hold the permitted set as these seem to roughly
correspond to eachother in intent.  This leaves the Inheritable set.
One solution could be to store the inheritable set in the agids vector,
but that does not seem to be a very natural nor nice solution.  One could
extend the authhandle struct with an additional vector, but one would then
need to also extend the auth interface with RPC's to be able to modify
and access it.  Another possibility is to store all the capabilities
in the same idvec and use separate defines for the the different sets
(CAP_P_CHMOD, CAP_E_CHMOD, CAP_I_CHMOD).  This does not seem like a
good solution.

Storing each capability in its own uid_t might also arguably be somewhat
wasteful, although this is probably of secondary concern (if at all).
One could also imagine that legacy applications might be confused,
although I am not sure I can see any obvious problems.  What happens
when a process have only capability id's?

### The basics, Approach 2: Extend the auth interface

This approach would expand the auth interface and extend
the auth server with another set of RPC's for capabilities
(*auth_getcaps*, *auth_makecaps*, *auth_user_authenticate* and
*auth_server_authenticate*), mirroring those currently declared for id's.
This would obviously require changes to more parts of the Hurd for
processes to be able to take advantage of capabilities, but as the logic
behind handling capabilities and that behind handling user id's might
not be completely comparable, this might make for a cleaner solution.
It would also remove the problem of having to sensibly map all the
three capability sets onto semantically differing sets of user/group
ids, something that might be even more important if we were to also
implement something like the bounding sets used in Linux or perhaps
other related functionality.  We are also not limited to having to store
the capabilities as id vectors, although doing so would perhaps still
make sense.

### The individual capabilities

Implementing the individual capabilities will probably have to be thought
of on a case-by-case basis.  Taking chown (in *libdiskfs*) as an example,
the exact approach would differ slightly depending on how the approach
taken to implement capabilities.  If the first approach were to be taken,
the UID's (and thus the capabilities) of the caller would already be
available to the function through the *iouser* struct contained in the
*protid* struct given as the first argument.  Implementing capabilities
would then simply be a matter of checking for the special UID's.  If the
second approach were to be taken, one would need to perhaps expand the
iouser struct to contain information about the capabilities.

Just like Linux has defined many Linux-specific capabilities - some of
which could certainly be useful also applied to the Hurd - one could
also imagine extending the POSIX capability system also for Hurd specific

## Some applications using capabilities

#### Samba 3

Uses CAP_MKNOD and CAP_LEASE in smbd to only keep the necessary abilities.
Documentation mentions CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE as a way to protect files
from being deleted.  Can also use a couple of IRIX specific capabilities
(CAP_NETWORK_MGT and CAP_DEVICE_MGT) as alternatives to the Linux-specific
ones if running on IRIX.

#### ntpd

Checks if capabilities are supported, more precisely if CAP_SYS_TIME,
supported.  If they are supported, it uses prctl with PR_SET_KEEPCAPS
to keep privileges across setuid() and then drops root.  After done with
CAP_SETUID, CAP_SETGID, CAP_SYS_CHROOT it drops every capability except

#### vsftpd

Uses CAP_CHOWN, CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE when using the "one process"
security model (typically disabled by default).

#### proftpd-basic

Provides support for capabilities from mod_cap.  Uses CAP_USE_CHOWN,
Distribution contains README.capabilities with some explanations.
Also ships with their own libcap for some reason, based on libcap 1.10.

#### dovecot

CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE, CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE for proper operations, drops
the rest.

#### bind9

Reasons for each capability are clearly noted in comments in update.c
in linux_initialprivs() and linux_minprivs().  initialprivs drops all
capabilities and proceeds to set CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE, CAP_SYS_CHROOT,

#### pulseaudio

Mentions CAP_NICE (CAP_SYS_NICE), but does not appear to be using it
(anymore?).  Seems to use libcap to drop caps, however.

#### pinentry

Checks if CAP_IPC_LOCK is available and "uses it" to gain only the
ability to lock memory when needed.

#### zsh

Comes with a module "caps" which contains "[b]uiltins for manipulating
POSIX.1e (POSIX.6) capability (privilege) sets." Most useful here is the
"cap" builtin, which makes it possible to change the shell's process
capability sets.  This might be useful for testing.

#### inetutils (ping,traceroute)

Does not use capabilities explicitly, but is nevertheless a useful
example of how file capabilities could be used.  ping and traceroute
are currently installed suid root since they need to be able to open
raw sockets.  With file capabilities, this could be accomplished by
instead setting the capability CAP_NET_RAW on the two executables,
thus giving the utilities almost only the specific rights they need.

## The capabilities

The above might give some hint as to what capabilities should be
prioritized.  One assumption I have made is that the goal of this project
is to implement, as far as possible, the same functionality as what is
present in Linux.  No effort has (so far) been made to look into possible
applications specific to the Hurd.

A few of the above mentioned applications also explicitly uses
PR_SET_KEEPCAPS (through prctl()) to specify that capabilities should
be passed on to children.  This means that the implementation in the
Hurd should take this into account.

I have below done a preliminary classification of the capabilities
as defined in Linux capability.h into four "classes": Network, File
management, "glibc -> mach" and Other.  There are also some capabilities
that either depend on functionality not implemented or are too Linux
specific.  I have not described each capability in detail as looking
at the comments in capability.h and reading in capabilities(7) are
better sources.

### The Networking Class

These would mostly affect pfinet.  The general picture seem to be that
pfinet currently uses a boolean (int) isroot in struct sock_user to keep
track of the credentials of the caller.  This would need to be expanded
somehow to keep track of the separate capabilities.

CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE: Allow binding to TCP/UDP sockets below 1024  
CAP_NET_RAW: Allow use of RAW and PACKET sockets.  
CAP_NET_BROADCAST: "Allow broadcasting, listen to multicast"  
CAP_NET_ADMIN: This seem to be a bit of a "catch-all" for network-related

### The Files Management Class

The description of CAP_CHOWN in the original proposal should apply to
(most of?) these.  That is, modify the iouser struct.  At least libdiskfs
should be modified, but the same or similar modifications might need to
be made to several servers (libnetfs..? The actual servers implementing
the filesystem?)

CAP_CHOWN: "Make arbitrary changes to file UIDs and GIDs"  
CAP_FOWNER: allow chmod, utime, ..  for files not owned.  
CAP_FSETID: Don't clear setuid/setgid when a file is modified.  
CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH: Bypasses file/directory read/write/execute permission
checks.  ( hurdexec.c, file-access.c, ..  ? )  
CAP_MKNOD: allows usage of "the privileged aspects of mknod()".  Does this
one make sense in the Hurd?  

### The (glibc -> gnumach) Class

These seem to be implemented in glibc by direct calls to gnumach.
If they should be implemented, maybe a proxy in the Hurd is needed?

CAP_SYS_TIME: manipulate the system clock, set real-time clock.  
CAP_IPC_LOCK: mlock, mlockall, mmap, shmctl  
CAP_KILL: No permission checks for killing processes  
CAP_SYS_NICE: setpriority/getpriority for arbitrary processes.  

### The Rest Class

CAP_SYS_CHROOT: Allows usage of chroot().  
It's either really simple (not needed in the case of the Hurd) or really
difficult.  Needs some figuring out.  One of the calls that should be
CAP_SYS_ADMIN: General administration rights.  Seemingly sprinkled out
into just about everything.  Quick grep through the Linux sources gives
440 hits in .c-files.  
CAP_SYS_BOOT: Allow use of reboot().  
glibc calls init:startup_reboot..    
CAP_SETGID: Allows usage of setgid,setgroups and "forged gids on socket
credentials passing"  
CAP_SETUID: Allows usage of set*uid and "forged pids on socket credentials
CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG: vhangup, some other places.  vhangup() is a stub in
the Hurd, but maybe the console server is otherwise affected?  
CAP_SYS_RESOURCE: Override various limits.  (quota, reserved space etc.
on ext2, interrupt frequencies, consoles,...).  According to "The Critique"
mach performs no resource accounting so some of these might be moot to
implement, while others still apply.  
CAP_SYS_RAWIO Allow raw input/output.  Sprinkled in many places,
device drivers among others.  Many of these will probably be difficult
to implement.  
CAP_SETPCAP: This one has (or had?) two different usages in Linux:
If file capabilities are not supported it gives the right to grant
or remove capabilities from the permitted set of arbitrary processes.
If file capabilities are supported, it allows for removing capabilities
from the bounding set of the current process.  As the Hurd implementation
won't have file capabilities initially it might make sense to implement
this if possible.  If bounding sets are implemented this should probably
be the way provided to modify them.  

### Unimplementable

*(At this point in time, as far as I can determine)*

CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE: depends on chattr etc. working.  
CAP_SETFCAP: depends on xattr's  
CAP_SYS_PACCT: acct() missing in the Hurd.  

## Priority when implementing

The two most used capabilities as unscientifically judged from
the selection of applications above are CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE and
CAP_CHOWN, suggesting that implementing the "network class" and the
"file management" class of capabilities as classified above might be a
good start.  These also, to me, seem to be easier classes to implement.
CAP_NET_ADMIN might need some extra work.

Second most common were CAP_SYS_CHROOT, CAP_SETGID and CAP_SETUID. I am
not completely clear on how these should be handled.

Assuming those are out of the way, CAP_IPC_LOCK, CAP_SYS_TIME, CAP_KILL
and CAP_SYS_NICE might be a good choice to tackle if possible. This
might, if I have understood things correctly, involve writing a proxy
Hurd server for these calls in mach.

of "everything" (ADMIN being the worse one), meaning that experience
and infrastructure gained from implementing the previous capabilities
might come in handy. CAP_SYS_RAWIO might be difficult; it can be found
inside many drivers in the Linux source.

## Additional general details

[This article](http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-posixcap.html)
contains a good general description of how capabilities in Linux
works.  As there will be no file capabilities in the Hurd initially,
an approach emulating the behavior Linux exhibits when SECURE_NOROOT
and SECURE_NO_SETUID_FIXUP are *not* set seems to be a good start.
This is called the "root-user-is-privileged" model in the article,
and somewhat simplified it means that processes started by root, or
setuid-root, is given all capabilities no matter what capabilities the
parent might or might not hold at the time of execution.  Quoting verbatim
from the article:

> * When SECURE_NOROOT is not set, then when a process executes a file,
>  the new capability sets may be calculated as though the file had some
>  file capability sets set fully populated.  In particular:
>  * The file inheritable and permitted sets will be full on if the
>    process's real or effective uid is 0 (root) or the file is setuid
>    root.
>  * The file effective set will be full on if the process's effective
>    uid is root or the file is setuid root.
> * When SECURE_NO_SETUID_FIXUP is not set, then when a process switches
>   its real or effective uids to or from 0, capability sets are further
>   shifted around:
>   * If a process switches its effective uid from 0 to non-0, then its
>     effective capability set is cleared.
>   * If a process switches its real, effective, or saved uids from at
>     least one being 0 to all being non-zero, then both the permitted
>     and effective capabilities are cleared.
>   * If a process sets its effective uid from non-zero to 0, then the
>     effective capabilities are set equal to the permitted capabilities.

The capabilities of the resulting process are determined by the following
formulas, again taken from the article, with p for Process and f for file:

> pI' = pI  
> pP' = fP | (fI & pI)  
> pE' = pP' & fE  

The security under the above described model, being what at least some
of the applications I listed in my last comment employs, is basically
the following (also detailed somewhat in the same article):

* Execute process as root (or setuid) to gain all capabilities.

* Use the prctl system call to enable keepcaps for the process
  (same(?) effect as enabling SECURE_NO_SETUID_FIXUP for the process).
  keepcaps should be off by default.

* setuid to a non-root user, and by doing so losing the possibility to
  regain capabilities by simply starting a new process.

* Drop all the capabilities except those few actually needed.

## Infrastructure details - Special UIDs approach

The auth server must somehow keep track of three sets of capabilities.
I suggest keeping these three sets in three additional idvec's in the
authhandle struct, and will for the purpose of this description name
these pcaps (permitted), ecaps (effective) and icaps (inheritable).
This will simplify keeping track of the internal logic somewhat.
In addition to this, there is a need to keep track of the "keepcaps" flag
as described above.  I suggest representing this with an int keepcaps
in the same struct.

1. Expand authhandle struct with three additional idvecs and one integer.
Fix static functions handling the struct, such as destroy_authhandle.

2. Implement the necessary logic in auth_makeauth to handle capabilities.

Assume that all capabilities are mapped onto uids, given names on the form
uid_<capability>, for example uid_cap_net_raw.  Assume that the presence
of an uid in euids suggest that the capability is in the effective set
of the process, that the presence of this uid in auids suggests that it
is in the permitted set of the process, and that the presence of this
uid in aguids suggest that it is in the inheritable set of the process.
That they are internally stored in separate idvec's can be ignored as
an implementation detail.

* The UID's have as it is different meanings depending on where in the
  array they are positioned, and certain clients seem to rely on this.
  The first UID in euids is the effective uid, and the first and second
  UIDs in auids are the real and saved UIDS respectively.  At least
  some users of makeauth would need to made aware of capabilities,
  for example setuid in glibc.

* Setting/getting the keepcaps-flag is also a bit of a problem.  To avoid
  changing the auth interface yet another special UID could be used
  for this purpose, although that seems to be really stretching it.
  The cleaner solution would probably be to expand the interface with
  something along the lines of auth_setkeepcaps/auth_getkeepcaps.
  This interface would only be used by prctl.

Another problem with this approach is that it seems a bit difficult
to oversee the affects that using other RPC's like fsys_getroot and
io_restrict_auth might have on capabilities.

## Infrastructure details - "extend-interfaces" approach

This approach has started to seem like the better way to me, as the
usage of capabilities becomes more explicit through the entire "chain",
perhaps making it somewhat more easy to understand all the interactions.

I suggest something like the following new interface methods:


### The auth interface

	routine auth_getauth_caps (
		handle: auth_t;
		out euids: idarray_t;
		out auids: idarray_t;
		out egids: idarray_t;
		out agids: idarray_t;
		out ecaps: idarray_t;
		out pcaps: idarray_t;
		out icaps: idarray_t);

	routine auth_makeauth_caps (
		handle: auth_t;
		other_handles: portarray_t;
		euids: idarray_t;
		auids: idarray_t;
		egids: idarray_t;
		agids: idarray_t;
		ecaps: idarray_t;
		pcaps: idarray_t;
		icaps: idarray_t;
		flags: int;   /* keepcaps.. ? */
		out newhandle: mach_port_make_send_t);

	routine auth_server_authenticate_caps (
		handle: auth_t;
		sreplyport reply: mach_port_poly_t;
		rendezvous: mach_port_send_t;
		newport: mach_port_poly_t;
		out euids: idarray_t;
		out auids: idarray_t;
		out egids: idarray_t;
		out agids: idarray_t;
		out ecaps: idarray_t;
		out pcaps: idarray_t;
		out icaps: idarray_t);

### The io interface

	routine io_restrict_auth_caps (
		io_object: io_t;
		out new_object: mach_port_send_t;
		uids: idarray_t SCP;
		gids: idarray_t SCP;
		ecaps: idarray_t SCP);

### The fsys interface

	routine fsys_getroot_caps (
		fsys: fsys_t;
		ureplyport ureply: mig_reply_port_t;
		dotdot_node: mach_port_send_t;
		gen_uids: idarray_t;
		gen_gids: idarray_t;
		out ecaps: idarray_t;
		out pcaps: idarray_t;
		out icaps: idarray_t;
		flags: int;
		out do_retry: retry_type;
		out retry_name: string_t;
		out file: mach_port_send_t);


These are meant to be able to replace the old methods with
capability-aware methods, instead of merely complementing them.
The replacing work could then be made a more gradual process.  Steps:

* Extend authhandle with the same data members as in the UID-case.

* Implement new _caps-functions according to described interface
  extensions above, refactor code a bit to share common uid-handling
  logic.  Both makeauth's should drop all capabilities if switching from
  uid 0 without having keepcaps.  For example, keepcaps should be unset
  by default.

* Fix glibc.  Extend hurd_id_data in hurd/id.h to store capabilities,
  switch to capability aware functions where necessary.

* io-reauthenticate.  Fix implementations to use
  auth_server_authenticate_caps instead.  For this we also need somewhere
  to save the caps, so it ties in with for example the extension of
  iouser as mentioned in the details.

* fsys_getroot.  Implement fsys_getroot_caps in libdiskfs, trans,
  libtreefs, libtrivs, libnetfs.  Fix users of function in libdiskfs,
  libfshelp, settrans, libtreefs, clookup.

* io_restrict_auth.  Implement io_restrict_auth_caps in libdiskfs,
  libtreefs, libtrivfs, libnetfs, boot.  Fix users in utils(symlink,
  firmlink), libtrivs, term, clookup

Among the problems might be that there are a lot of arguments that
needs to be passed around, and that it seems somewhat ugly to end up
with function names referencing caps in particular.

Below some more about the specific capabilities.  This should in large
be common to the two approaches above.

## Actually handing out the capabilities to process

This seems like a good job for the file_exec route in the fs interface.
Quoting from the comments above the definition in fs.defs: "*Necessary
initialization, including authentication changes associated with set[ug]id
execution must be handled by the filesystem*".  The capability-granting
functionality should to be added in at least the implementations in
libdiskfs and libnetfs as far as I can determine, and should be "easy
enough" once the infrastructure for implementing the file-related
capabilities (CAP_CHOWN etc.) are in place.  This also seem to make
sense considering the future possibility for file capabilities.

## Some implementation details of individual capabilities.

### Net-related capabilities.

This turned out to be a bit less work than I had thought, as the
imported Linux code already seem to contain all the necessary checks.
What remains to do to implement all of these capabilities is mostly a
matter of putting some infrastructure in place.

* In struct sock_user (pfinet.h), change isroot for idvec
  caps.  Alternatively, add idvec caps.

* Change the function make_sock_user in socket.c to take an idvec caps
  as a parameter and properly set the given caps to the corresponding
  idvec in sock_user.

* Fix users of make_sock_user: S_io_reauthenticate, S_io_restrict_auth,
  S_socket_create, S_socket_accept.  This should be doable with the
  current infrastructure.  For example, S_socket_create currently
  sets isroot in the new sock_user from the corresponding member in
  the trivfs_protid struct.  This does not present a problem however,
  as the latter struct also provides access to an iouser (iohelp.h)
  from which the needed uids of the user should be available.

* Fix up parts of source from Linux, modify task_struct add idvec,
  modify prepare_current to take the caps idvec instead of isroot.
  Re-implement the existing function capable(int cap) to actually check
  for the capability passed as an argument instead of just return isroot.

* Change a few isroot's at 3 other places in the code to check for
  capabilities.  Since these places all have access to isroot and thus by
  implication the sock_user, they also have access to the new capability
  information; no restructuring necessary.

### File-related capabilities

While there are a lot of servers in the Hurd, I am not sure all of these
capabilities actually make sense to implement in all of them.


Implementing this in libdiskfs should take care of it where it makes
sense.  Servers using libdiskfs uses iouser from libiohelp to hold
user credentials.  As noted above, this struct is already capable of
holding our capabilities as uid's or is otherwise extended to contain
the necessary idvecs if using the second general approach.  Adding a
check along the lines of *idvec_contains(uid_cap_chown)* in function
diskfs_S_file_chown (file-chown.c) should be all that's needed.

In libnetfs, netfs_attempt_chown is declared as a function that the
server using the library must implement.  Any checks for chown rights
are however most likely performed on the server side, suggesting that
there is nothing we can do here to implement CAP_CHOWN.  Even if we do
need to add something, an iouser containing the necessary information
to implement the checks in a manner analogous to that in libdiskfs seems
to be passed to each important function.

#### CAP_DAC_*

These might actually make sense to implement in more servers, and the
logic seems somewhat involved. Need to add the necessary checks to
at least file_check_access, file_exec in libdiskfs.  file_exec also in
libnetfs, probably.  Possibly changes also in other places.

The main difficulties overall seem to lie in getting the infrastructure
properly in place rather than implementing most of the individual
capabilities, and I have updated the schedule a bit in an attempt to
reflect this.

## Schedule updating

The more I look into this the less time it seems likely to take to
do the work.  Below is my best estimation at the moment, and I have
basically adjusted everything to what I think is more likely estimations.
If this is correct I would be more or less around midterm.  I haven't
gone completely to the individual level as that doesn't seem to make
sense, but what is clustered together are either related capabilities
or a collection of capabilities classified roughly with regards to how
much I know about the area and how many different rights they control.
It's not my intention to "slack off" or anything, so if this estimation
were to be correct I could perhaps take a look at the xattrs-patch,
or spend the rest of my time fixing PATH_MAX-issues.  Then again, maybe
there is some great difficulty hidden somewhere.

#### Some justifications:

Dummy libcap, more or less done.  
*1 day* (making sure it "fails gracefully" shouldn't really take longer than this)

Application for testing, the beginnings of a fairly extensive "test suit" on Linux.  
*2 days*

Basic infrastructure.  
*5 days*, depends on the chosen approach, but it is probably wise to
reserve at least a bunch of days for this.

Implementations of prctl/capset/capget in libshouldbeinlibc,
or a port of libcap to the Hurd in any other way.  
*5 days*

*4 days*, as noted above this should be easy, but it might uncover bugs
in the newly implemented infrastructure for example.

*2 days*, I think these only needs to be done in libdiskfs

*4 days*, these might need changes to various servers

*2 weeks*, these are varied and I'm not that sure exactly how each should
be tackled so some research is needed.

*4 days*

*2 weeks*, these too are pretty varied and some might need some individual

*1 day*

## Schedule

24/5 Start coding  
25/5 Dummy libcap ready for use.  
27/5 The beginnings of a "test suite", written on Linux.  
 1/6 Basic infrastructure in place  
 6/6 Dummy libcap extended with real functionality to make use of
     implemented capability and infrastructure, or the Hurd adapted for
     compatibility with Linux libcap.  
10/6 The "network class" of capabilities implemented.  
12/7 "Mentors and students can begin submitting mid-term evaluations"  
16/7 GSoC Mid-term evaluations deadline.