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[[!meta title="GNU Mach Code Cleanup"]]

Although there are some attempts to move to a more modern microkernel
altogether, the current Hurd implementation is based on
[[GNU_Mach|microkernel/mach/gnumach]], which is only a slightly modified
variant of the original CMU [[microkernel/Mach]].

Unfortunately, Mach was created about two decades ago, and is in turn based on
even older BSD code.  Parts of the BSD kernel -- file systems, [[UNIX]] [[mechanism]]s
like processes and signals, etc. -- were ripped out (to be implemented in
[[userspace_servers|hurd/translator]] instead); while other mechanisms were
added to allow implementing stuff in user space.
[[microkernel/mach/IPC]], etc.)

Also, Mach being a research project, many things were tried, adding lots of
optional features not really needed.

The result of all this is that the current code base is in a pretty bad shape.
It's rather hard to make modifications -- to make better use of modern hardware
for example, or even to fix bugs.  The goal of this project is to improve the

There are various things you can do here: Fixing compiler warnings; removing
dead or unneeded code paths; restructuring code for readability and
maintainability etc. -- a glance at the source code should quickly give you
some ideas.

This task requires good knowledge of C, and experience with working on a large
existing code base.  Previous kernel hacking experience is an advantage, but
not really necessary.

Possible mentors: Samuel Thibault (youpi)

Exercise: You should have no trouble finding something to improve when looking
at the gnumach code, or even just at compiler warnings.