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[[!meta title="Porting GNAT (GCC)"]]

The GNU Ada Translator (GNAT) isn't available for the Hurd so far. There are
also a number of other Debian packages depending on GNAT, and thus not
buildable on the Hurd.

The goal of this project is getting GNAT fully working in Debian GNU/Hurd. It
requires implementing some explicitly system-specific stuff in GNAT, and maybe
fixing a few other problems. Good knowledge of Ada is a must; some Hurd
knowledge will have to be acquired while working on the project.

Designing and implementing [[language_bindings]] is a follow-up project.

Possible mentors: [[Samuel Thibault (youpi)|samuelthibault]], [[Thomas Schwinge

Exercise: Fix one of the problems preventing GNAT from working on the Hurd.


[[Open Issue page|open_issues/gnat]].  [Entry in the GCC