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[[!meta title="Implement CD Audio Grabbing"]]

The Hurd presently has only support for CD-ROMs, but not for audio extraction
("grabbing"). As a result, cdparanoia (and other extraction
libraries/utilities) are not available; and many other packages depending on
these can't be built in Debian GNU/Hurd either.

Adding support for audio extraction shouldn't be too hard. It requires
implementing a number of additional ioctl()s, generating the appropriate ATAPI

The goal of this task is fully working cdparanoia in Debian GNU/Hurd. It will
require digging a bit into Hurd internals and ATAPI commands, but should be
quite doable without any previous knowledge about either.

Possible mentors: Samuel Thibault (youpi)

Exercise: Look at the implementation of the existing ioctl()s, and try to find
something that could be easily added/improved. If you don't see anything
obvious, talk to us about a different exercise task.