[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]] [[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled [[GNU Free Documentation License|/fdl]]."]]"""]] * Organization Name: GNU Hurd * Description: The mission of the Hurd project is to create a general-purpose kernel suitable for the [GNU operating system](http://gnu.org), which is viable for everyday use, and gives users and programs as much control over their computing environment as possible. When the Hurd was originally started in 1990, it was the last missing major component for a complete GNU system. Today Linux and other free kernels are available to fill this gap, and the combination of GNU and Linux (often [incorrectly](http://www.gnu.org/gnu/why-gnu-linux.html) called just "Linux") is in wide use. However, the Hurd is still interesting due to its unique design, better fitting the GNU philosophy than traditional monolithic kernels like Linux. The GNU GPL guarantees that all users of software published under this license get the legal permission to adapt the software they are using according to their wishes, and also get the source code and other tools necessary to put this permission to use. However, in traditional operating systems, the kernel and related low-level system software are protected from normal users, and cannot be easily modified; only the system administrator has power over these. The Hurd offers special mechanisms that allow any user to change almost all of the system functionality he uses, without affecting the rest of the system, and thus easily (at runtime) and without any special permissions. This ability to run subenvironments more or less independant from the rest of the system, can be classified as a very sophisticated [lightweight virtualization](http://tri-ceps.blogspot.com/2007/10/advanced-lightweight-virtualization.html) approach. To offer these possibilities, the Hurd uses a true multiserver microkernel architecture. That makes it quite unique: The Hurd is the only general-purpose multiserver microkernel system in development today that is nearly ready for everyday use, and offering almost perfect UNIX compatibility. (More than half of the packages in the Debian repository are available for the Hurd.) All other existing true microkernel systems are either research projects not nearly complete enough for actual use, or limited to embedded systems and other special purposes, or both. Marcus Brinkmann and Neal Walfield from the Hurd project are working at the bleeding edge of microkernel operating system research. They have been in contact with the most distinguished researchers in that field from the [L4](http://l4hq.org/) and [EROS](http://www.eros-os.org/eros.html)/[Coyotos](http://www.coyotos.org/) microkernel operating system groups, and have written a couple of [research papers](http://walfield.org/). * Home Page: http://hurd.gnu.org * Main Organization License: GNU General Public License (GPL) * Why is your organization applying to participate in GSoC 2010? What do you hope to gain by participating? The primary goal of course is to find and introduce new long-term contributors to the project. Aside from that, it is a way to make progress with tasks that require an amount of focused work, that is hard to do for volunteers working in their spare time only. Also it is a good opportunity to get valuable input from new people, as well as spreading technical and other knowledge about the Hurd among actual and potential contributors. More generally, participation should help raising awareness among people who might know about the existence of the Hurd, but otherwise having very little idea what the project is all about, and how its progress is. Last but not least, we hope the participation will have a positive effect on our community -- new impulses, increased communication etc. * Did your organization participate in past GSoCs? If so, please summarize your involvement and the successes and challenges of your participation. In 2006 and 2007, we participated under the umbrella of the GNU project, getting one slot each year. In 2008 we participated as an organisation on our own for the first time. This turned out extremely beneficial: With the better visibility, we get a lot more applications (more than 20), mostly of good or excellent quality. In 2009, we were rejected as an organisation, so we participated under the GNU umbrella again. While the 2006 student disappeared midway, in all the later years all of our students were successful -- including even one who worked on his project in spite of not getting a slot. Half of them are regular Hurd contributors now. Selecting the most promising students, as well as suitable mentors, turned out to be the most tricky part of GSoC participation -- but we learned our lesson after the first failure: We didn't have any students that didn't meet our expectations since then, and we also believe our mentoring is exceptionally good now -- one project that was in serious trouble, turned out well after all, due to effective mentor intervention. * If your organization participated in past GSoCs, please let us know the ratio of students passing to students allocated, e.g. 2006: 3/6 for 3 out of 6 students passed in 2006. 2008: 4/4 (+1 inofficial in 2008) (under GNU umbrella: 2006: 0/1; 2007: 1/1; 2009: 1/1) * If your organization has not previously participated in GSoC, have you applied in the past? If so, for what year(s)? -- * What is the URL for your ideas page? http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/community/gsoc/project_ideas.html * What is the main development mailing list for your organization? This question will be shown to students who would like to get more information about applying to your organization for GSoC 2010. If your organization uses more than one list, please make sure to include a description of the list so students know which to use. bug-hurd@gnu.org ( http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-hurd ) * What is the main IRC channel for your organization? \#hurd on freenode.net * Does your organization have an application template you would like to see students use? If so, please provide it now. Please note that it is a very good idea to ask students to provide you with their contact information as part of your template. Their contact details will not be shared with you automatically via the GSoC 2010 site. [[student_application_form]] * What criteria did you use to select the individuals who will act as mentors for your organization? Please be as specific as possible: The most important criterium is that the person is involved in the project for some time, knowing the ways; so he can actually instruct the student; and if there are tough technical questions he can't answer himself, he knows whom to ask. It's also important that the mentors are reliable and helpful, so the students won't be left on their own with any problems they face. * What is your plan for dealing with disappearing students? The plan is mostly to avoid that happening in the first place. To this end, we are particularily careful with selection of students: Making sure that they have no other obligations during that time; that they are motivated enough; that they actually have the necessary skills to complete the task; that they fit in our community. Also, we will make sure that we are constantly in contact with the students -- asking about progress, discussing technical issues, etc. -- so we can act in time if things go wrong. If a student disappears in spite of that, there is little we can do. Of course we will try to contact him and find out what the problem is; whether the project can perhaps be scaled down, or at least wrapped up to bring it in a state where it is useful even if not finished. We will also try to limit damage by insisting that students regularily check in their work, so that we get partial results at least if someone disappears. * What is your plan for dealing with disappearing mentors? As our mentors all have been with the project for some time, the risk of them disappearing is not too big. If one of them disappears nevertheless, it's not a problem for us: We have enough mentors, and someone else will take over. We will encourage the students to keep discussions public as much as possible, keeping private conversations with the mentors to a minimum, so the transition should go smoothly. * What steps will you take to encourage students to interact with your project's community before, during and after the program? We try to make it very clear that we expect the students to get into regular contact with us before the end of the student selection process, and won't consider their applications otherwise. This way we know that the students are able and willing to communicate with us in the first place. After selection, the regular contact is kept up: We require the students to participate in IRC meetings up to twice a week, where we ask the students actively about the work they do, problems they face, decisions they take etc. Furthermore, we ask them to hang out on IRC most of the time while working on their projects, so we keep in close contact. We also require the students to join our main development mailing list, so any design questions etc. can be discussed there. We encourage them to take part in other conversations, not directly related to their projects, as well. After the program we continue the regular meetings, discussing the further development of their original projects; as well as new projects, after the original ones are done. * What will you do to ensure that your accepted students stick with the project after GSoC concludes? In addition to keeping up the regular IRC meetings, we try to invite all participating students to meet us at conferences afterwards, where we discuss the projects, as well as other Hurd-related topics. This should keep them motivated to follow up on the work they have done during the program, and generally help keeping them involved. * Is there anything else you would like to tell the Google Summer of Code program administration team? : * Backup Admin (Link ID):