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- madrazr wanted a wiki to keep track of progress. antrik suggested:
  http://www.bddebian.com/~wiki/community/gsoc/ and that everyone use
  that to keep track of their progress. bddebian was poked about git
  accounts on flubber.bddebian.com

- antrik/youpi talked about the mailing lists.
   Debian GNU/Hurd (installer, etc): http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd
   bug-hurd, etc

- Don't be afraid to post to the lists. There's no need to send the
  post for review first. Generally people on the list are the same as
  people on IRC

- various docs links were posted:

- youpi posted a survey of some of the reasons why packages don't work
  on Hurd: http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd/2007/07/msg00000.html
  and http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd/2007/07/msg00001.html

- andrei posted
  http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~trent/gnu/hurd/hurd-talk.tar.gz an archive
  of hurd-folks

- antrik is happy with communication in general

- wiki pages for each of the projects should be created sometime this