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# 2011

We're in!  The GNU Hurd project will again participate in the [Google Summer of
Code](http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2011) under the
[GNU umbrella](http://www.gnu.org/software/soc-projects/).

As of Monday, 2011-03-28 it's the *student application period*.  This will last
until [Friday,
2011-04-08](http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/events/google/gsoc2011), which
is plenty of time for preparing and discussing your applications -- but please
don't wait to the last minute!

## Applying for a Task

We have a list of [[project_ideas]], and students are likewise encouraged to
submit their own project proposals.

We always ask students that want to apply for a task (in the course of the
Google Summer of Code) to mind our distinct [[student_application_form]].

Then, don't forget to visit
<http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/org/google/gsoc2011/gnu>, and push the big
button for submitting your proposal.

Please read up about [[contributing]] in general;
and feel free to ask any questions you might have at one of our [[regular_IRC_meetings|IRC#regular_meetings]].
Generally it's a good idea to [[contact_us|communication]] when starting to work on some project.

Working on one of these projects is generally a good opportunity to get started
with Hurd development, even outside of the GSoC context.

# History

In 2006 and [[2007]], we participated in GSoC under the umbrella of the GNU
getting one slot each year.

In the following year, we successfully participated on our own, not only as a
suborganization of the GNU
project.  Read about our five students' success on the [[2008]] page.

The next two year, we participated under the GNU umbrella with one slot in
[[2009]], and three in [[2010]].