## "The Hurd Periodical News" [[SpanishNews]] This is a tribute to Kernel Cousin Debian/Hurd the now sleepy Hurd monthly newsletter. This project was born with the idea of animated the community, and attract more people to the Hurd project. Users, developers, translators, ... YOU can write news and it'll include in the next number, is easy, and the community will thank you :). A user controlled periodical -- Hurd News. ## "How can i add news?" #### Syntax : To send us a news, use this syntax: = News Title Body text of news item. E.g., the new version of the [http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/ Hurd] In the html version, the word "Hurd" is a link to , and in the plain text version: .... new version of the [0]Hurd. ... [0] http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/ #### By Web. You can colaborate with us easily. The Sendbox of the botton is used to send us news. Please, read the previous point. #### By e-mail. You can send a news to the editors (see down). Is prefer if you follow the rules that we explain up. ### Editors of "The Hurd Periodical" are:
Versi�n Espa�ola
Carlos M? -- Carlos Mestre Gonz�lez
English Version
-- [[Main/CarlosM]] - 20 Apr 2003 ### Where can i find the old numbers? Here you can download the old numbers of the Hurd Perdiodical News: [[Gnufansorghurdnewsenglish1html]] [[Gnufansorghurdnewsenglish2html]] I think that we can us this systems, hang the released versions of the newsletter in a "static html", the current number, can be in a Twiki web, see the source code!(Edit Button) ---- ### = Free tokens Buy a tokenizer today and get a free lalr compliant parser tomorrow! -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 20 Apr 2003 ### = Microsoft adopts GNU In an attempt to regain some of its former glory, Microsoft Corp. today announced that all future products will be based on the GNU/Hurd operating system. Not only that but a spokeswoman for the company also said that the monstrous Office suite will be cancelled and a plan to migrate customers to LaTeX, Evolution, Gnumeric and other free software is currently in progress. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 20 Apr 2003 ### = Un nuevo comienzo... Acaba de aparecer un nuevo bolet�n de noticias, el Hurd Mountly News. Este intenta dar a conocer las �ltimas noticias sobre [http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd GNU/Hurd] -- [[Main/CarlosM]] - 20 Apr 2003 ### = Hurd [[Wiki]] Upgrades Since usage increase has been exponential and we have an unlimited amount of funding to make this a professional site, we have now upgraded our Internet connection to an OC-12. Be envious! -- [[Main/TWikiGuest]] - 20 Apr 2003 ### = Hurd [http://hurd.gnufans.org/ TWiki] Upgrades OK, now that I've logged in and I have read what I was supposed to read let's try this again. -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 20 Apr 2003 ### = Bug Found! Leave it to a QA [http://www.grantbow.com guy] to find a bug in the processing of links in subject headers. Hopefully this article will look better. -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 20 Apr 2003 ### = Ext2 limit exceeded Today on Easter sunday, Ognyan Kulev [http://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-hurd/2003-04/msg00089.html reported] he finally managed to break the 64kB limit of the Hurd Ext2 implementation. We can now all enjoy [http://debian.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/~ogi/hurd/ext3fs/ 128kB] large file systems. :-) -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 21 Apr 2003 ### ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... [](http://www.yahoo.com)Welcome! [business yellowpages](http://www.dirare.com). [international directory](http://www.dirare.com ): About DIRare, Search in Business Category, Yellowpages search. Also [url]http://www.dirare.com/China/[/url] and [link=http://www.dirare.com]companies of the world[/link] from yellow pages . Your post will appear before this form in chronological order (newest at bottom) -- [[Main/TWikiGuest]] - 14 May 2006 ### ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... hello! online directory. About DIRare, Search in Business Category, Yellowpages search. From online directory . Your post will appear before this form in chronological order (newest at bottom) -- [[Main/TWikiGuest]] - 14 May 2006 ### ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... Hello guys. 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Final step: Move this from the Test dir to the real direction :)