I got an idea. I just changed the WIKITOOLNAME on the global [[TWiki/TWikiPreferences]] page. Hmmm. I hope this doesn't screw up anything! I think it looks great on the upper left of every page.

-- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 05 Jan 2003

It looks great! There are still a lot of things that I need to learn about regarding TWiki, but it's real fun so from here on I'll consider it an educating "ride".

There where some other minor side effects caused by your change, for insance, take a look at:

* [[Main/WebHome]]
* [[TWiki/TWikiRegistration]]

put the <code>**?raw=on**</code> after the URL in the location bar in your browser to see what I mean. Like this:


I don't mind at all, it just looks funny. Search for %WIKITOOLNAME% to find more examples.

-- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 07 Jan 2003

It would be useful (for the TWiki community) to document the unintended effects as we find them.

I just copied these entries from [[TWiki/TWikiDiscuss]]. Hmmm, in thinking about upgrading to the next release, the process to move from a TWiki Alpha release to a TWiki Beta release is to take a CVS checkout and then add (after processing by a special script I think) the Main and TWiki webs from the twiki.org site. If that's the case our customizations we do in these two "webs" might get blown away. Well, this isn't a problem right now but it may become an issue if we want to upgrade our installation. Just a relatively advanced TWiki admin thought to keep in mind.

I'm glad nothing broke horribly when making the change!

I know when Peter sees this he might not like it very much, but I think the toolname should be customized per site. It's negative for the TWiki marketing intent, but very positive for personalized site usage, pride of ownership and buy-in to see a familiar name there. Honestly, I kind of get sick seeing the TWiki name plastered all over the code and the configurations. This feels so much nicer now. It's hard to convey the feeling accurately.

-- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 09 Jan 2003