` first, **<nop>NoLinkPlease**
* To indent with a bullet, enter `[space][space][space][asterisk][space]`.
* Use multiples of 3 spaces to start **nested bullets**.
* That's 3-6-9-...
1. Start items in a **numbered list** with `[space][space][space][1][space]`.
2. The "1" (or **any number**) will be replaced by the correct number, in order.
* Always start **counting** for bullets and such from the beginning of a new line.
* To include an image, type its URL. You also can Attach an image to the page and display it with text
* To display a word or phrase in `MONOSPACED TYPE`, put it in equal signs: =like this=
Use ==two==
for bold: **bold mono**
* Use **<pre>**
to enclose code excerpts, filenames, and other unformatted text, with the opening and closing tags on their own separate lines:
> <pre>
> unformatted text!
> </pre>
* Use three (or more) consecutive **hyphens** expands into a horizontal rule: `---`
* See [[TWikiShorthand]] for the complete set of formatting rules.