**_Related topics:_** [[WebMenu]], [[GnuSkinPlugin]], [[TigerSkinPlugin]], %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiPlugins # WebMenu format ## Introduction The left hand menu used in both the GnuSkin and the TigerSkin themes for the TWiki is defined by the [[WebMenu]] topic. Its format can, at first glance, seem a bit complex. The following sections tries to explain the syntax. When used with the [TigerSkin](http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/TigerSkinPlugin) the left-hand menu bar is presented with advanced JavaScript features. Whereas the [[GnuSkin]] has an extremely simplified version enabled per default. As the JavaScript engine for presenting the [[WebMenu]] topic evolves more user agents, e.g., Mozilla, Netscape and Opera will get support for the more powerful JavaScript presentation. Currently only Internet Explorer is completely supported. ## Syntax
%WEB{name="..." home="..." [expand="always or never"]}% entry for Web
%ITEM{name="..." [topic="..."]}% topic in Web, any number of these after %WEB%
%LINK{name="..." [url="..."]}% Genric entry, an URL.
%DEFAULTITEMS% default topics defined by using SET DEFAULTITEMS
* **_Only put one WebMenu command per line_**. * The WEB command creates a top-level menu item. Usually used to present a TWiki web with (possibly a different) name. Set the expand option to "always" if you always want this top-level item to be expanded (all sub-items displayed). Or set it to "never" to never expand it, not even when you are visiting that web.
**_Example:_** * %WEB\{name="People" home="Main"\}% * The ITEM command creates a sub-level item. Only two levels exist in the WebMenu, top-level and sub-top-level. The topic option denotes the actual web topic, with respect to the top-level web. The name option can be used to reference a topic with a different name. E.g., ChangeLog instead of WebChanges, for instance.
**_Example:_** * %ITEM\{name="WebPreferences"\}% — A sub-level item called WebPreferences which links to the same topic. * The LINK entry is a generic sub-level item. If you do not understand any of the others this one is for you. This can completely replace the ITEM above, if you like. * The DEFAULTITEMS is a set of sub-level items that are common for many webs. The setting is a comma separated list of items. Do _NOT_ put any spaces between the comma and the following item!
**_Example:_** * Set DEFAULTITEMS = %ITEM\{name="Preferences" topic="WebPreferences"\}%,%ITEM\{name="ChangeLog" topic="WebChanges"\}%,%ITEM\{name="WebNotify"\}%,%ITEM\{name="WebStatistics"\}% **_Please note:_** If you consult (as in copy-paste) the sources on this page, remove all <nop> statements in your text. Otherwise the settings will not work for you. [汽车租赁](http://www.shundao.com) [租车](http://www.shundao.com) [升降机](http://1shengjiangji.shop263.com) [粉碎机](http://www.cctm.com) [上海平安保险公司](http://shpa18.shop263.com) [审计](http://shenji.shop263.com) [税务](http://shuiwu.shop263.com) [展示台](http://zhanshitai.shop263.com) [风幕机](http://fengmuji.shop263.com) [不锈钢](http://buxiugang.0008888.com) [打印机](http://dayinji.0008888.com) [钢结构](http://gangjiegou.0008888.com) [计算机](http://jisuanji.0008888.com) [加盟](http://jiameng.0008888.com) [建筑材料](http://jianzhucailiao.0008888.com) [旅行社](http://lvxingshe.0008888.com) [企业管理](http://qiyeguanli.0008888.com) [人力资源](http://reliziyuan.0008888.com) [网页设计](http://wangyesheji.0008888.com) [市场营销](http://shichangyingxiao.0008888.com) [室内设计](http://shineisheji.0008888.com) [手机](http://shouji.0008888.com) [饲料](http://siliao.0008888.com) [涂料](http://tuliao.0008888.com) [卫星电视](http://weixingdianshi.0008888.com) [物流](http://wuliu.0008888.com) [远程教育](http://yuanchengjiaoyu.0008888.com) [展览](http://zhanlan.0008888.com) [包装机械](http://baozhuangjixie.0008888.com) [包装设计](http://baozhuangsheji.0008888.com) [玻璃钢](http://boligang.0008888.com) [瓷砖](http://cizhuan.0008888.com) [地板](http://diban.0008888.com) [电池](http://dianchi.0008888.com) [电动工具](http://diandonggongju.0008888.com) [电话](http://dianhua.0008888.com) [电缆](http://dianlian.0008888.com) [电器](http://dinaqi.0008888.com) [电线电缆](http://dianxiandianlan.0008888.com) [电源](http://dianyue.0008888.com) [雕塑](http://diaoshu.0008888.com) [耳机](http://erji.0008888.com) [二手电脑](http://ershoudiannao.0008888.com) [二手房](http://ershoufang.0008888.com) [发电机](http://fadianji.0008888.com) [防盗门](http://fangdaomen.0008888.com) [纺织](http://fangzhi.0008888.com) [机票](http://jipiao.0008888.com) [复印机](http://fuyinji.0008888.com) [钢铁](http://gangtie.0008888.com) [工程机械](http://gongchengjixie.0008888.com) [广告设计](http://guanggaosheji.0008888.com) [继电器](http://jidianqi.0008888.com) [家电](http://jiadian.0008888.com) [建筑设计](http://jianzhusheji.0008888.com) [交换机](http://jiaohuanji.0008888.com) [洁具](http://