Welcome to %WIKITOOLNAME%, a web-based collaboration tool, document management tool, and knowledge base tool. This is the place to learn about the tool. Powered by TWiki The TWiki TM home is
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**Starting points** at the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% web: * [[WelcomeGuest]]: Look here first to get you rolling on %WIKITOOLNAME%. * [[TWikiRegistration]]: Create your %WIKITOOLNAME% account in order to edit topics. * **_User documentation:_** * [[TWikiWeb]]: Explains what %WIKITOOLNAME% is. * [[TWikiFAQ]]: List of frequently asked questions around the %WIKITOOLNAME% tool. * [[TWikiTutorial]]: Get a jump start on %WIKITOOLNAME%. * [[GoodStyle]]: Things to consider when changing text. * [[WikiSyntax]], [[TextFormattingRules]]: Easy to learn rules for editing text. * [[TextFormattingFAQ]]: Answers to frequently asked questions about text formatting. * [[TWikiVariables]]: Add variable content like other topics and inline search. * [[FileAttachments]]: Add files to any topic. * [[RenameTopic]]: Renaming, moving, deleting topics. * [[TWikiFormTemplate]]: Defining and using forms that add structured information to a topic. * **_Webmaster documentation:_** * [[TWikiHistory]] shows TWiki's implementation history. * [[TWikiDocumentation]] is the implementation documentation of TWiki, containing these topics: 1. [[TWikiImplementationNotes]] 2. [[TWikiInstallationNotes]] 3. [[TWikiUpgradeNotes]] 4. [[TWikiAuthentication]] 5. [[TWikiUsernameVsLoginUsername]] 6. [[TWikiAccessControl]] 7. [[TWikiTemplates]] 8. [[TWikiSkins]] 9. [[TWikiVariables]] 10. [[TWikiNotificationOfChanges]] 11. [[TWikiFormTemplate]] 12. [[TWikiPlugins]] 13. [[RenameTopic]] 14. [[TWikiAdministration]] tells you how to rename or delete a topic or web.
**Notes:** * You are currently in the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% web. The color code for this web is a light orange background, so you know where you are. * If you are not familiar with the %WIKITOOLNAME% collaboration tool, please visit %TWIKIWEB%.WelcomeGuest first. * TWiki TM is a trademark of [[PeterThoeny]] %INCLUDE\{"TWikiWebsTable"\}%