# TWiki Meta Discussion Removed old stale discussion ([[WIKIHOMEURLTWikiTWikiDiscussrev12]]). The WebMenu stuff has been fixed. We only have one menu now, the TWiki.WebMenu topic. Old per-web WebMenus have been moved to the Trash. **_Suggestion #1:_** How about always expanding the TWiki and Main webs' items? They only contain * [[Main/TWikiUsers]] & [[Main/TWikiGroups]] * [[WelcomeGuest]], [[TWikiRegistration]] & [[WikiSyntax]] topics. I think it could be useful to have those topics listed all the time. (The [[Main/TWikiGroups]] could of course be removed) **_Suggestion #2:_** What about the [[WebNotify]] topic and other useful tools, why not include the most useful ones in the menu as well? -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 23 Nov 2002 I've added tables to alll but the Main [[WebHome]] pages to address some of this. Having some always expanded may be good but I feel the sense of navigation one gets when clicking between them is important. With the new changes I'll be looking to modify the TWiki.WebMenu topic now to provide just such a feature. Do you have a date in mind where you want to declare the migration period over? I am tentatively targeting Jan 1, 2003 as my target date to move everything I want to move out of the Hurd Web. Wow, I added the little table and statistics box with search. I didn't realize that so many people were interested in the Skin changing topic in this web. -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 22 Dec 2002