# Meta Discussion Topic for the TWiki Web
Old discussions: [[WIKIHOMEURLTWikiWebDiscussrev12]] | [[WIKIHOMEURLTWikiWebDiscussrev16]]
This topic is used for meta discussions regarding the TWiki web. We discuss content, usability features, and other related things. Comment below in blog style.
I don't know if [[Main/DerekDavies]] will read this or not, however I know you will, Joachim. Derek changed the [[WebMenu]] for the TWiki web and also (my way of some kind of include) changed the navigation on the front page.
I guess I get sensitive over navigation issues. If a site is to act as one site then there needs to be consistency in the navigation. I also am a firm believer that TWiki in general and newbies in particular overwhelms people new to our site with too much information all at once. This is a public site. I'm trying to keep in mind that we want to be effective in getting across a message to an audience that for the most part are not TWiki fans even if they are somewhat GNU fans by way of their even knowing about and being interestd in the Hurd efforts.
There's also the balance between encouraging users to participate in the content and keeping a unified site that makes sense to all. To me that indicates some degree of direction/management.
So before I fly off the handle and change back the [[TWiki/WebMenu]] as well as putting security restrictions on all [[WebMenu]] topics I wanted to get some feedback as a sanity check.
-- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 06 Jan 2003
Don't worry Grant, you're still sane. :)
I completely agree to put certain topics, e.g., [[TWiki/WebMenu]] and [[Main/HurdGnuFansOrg]], under stricter editorial control.
-- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 07 Jan 2003