Didn't this web used to be a different color? I like how the colors of the [[Main/WebHome]] and [[TWiki/WebHome]] webs are the same, implying to me that they are "administrative overhead" and do not contain content intended for end users as content. So Joachim, despite the Main web being the kind of "home" right now with the python script running it becomes more of a marketing type page rather than a TWiki description and home page. They seem like different functions to me. Whereas we crammed all the meta discussion into the bottom of the Hurd web I think we should move the discussions that are related to the entire TWiki install to topics in the TWiki or Main webs. Does that make sense? Given the Python script I don't think the [[Main/WebHome]] is the right place for them. I don't like having that discussion directly on the [[TWiki/WebHome]] since it's supposed to be about TWiki primarily. So where should we move the meta-discussion and topic index to? Maybe right here, [[TWiki/TWikiDiscuss]] would be appropriate? I hope you like the \_webname\_Discuss format I chose to talking about the setup of each web. I think that makes some sense. Oh, I also redid custom non-default [[WebMenu]] topics for each web to give the navigation model that I feel is so important. Each one having it's details pop up as it's selected but maintaining spacial relationships between the web names. If you know of some way to do all of that automatically instead of with custom topics each that would be fine but I didn't know how to do that so I did it perhaps the hard way. -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 15 Nov 2002