### Welcome to the [[TigerSkin]] So named because of the stripes in the background. The [[TigerSkin]] is the default skin for the vmlinux.org TWiki. Enjoy! This skin provides the following: * An attractive design with the expectations of typical web users in mind (ie navbar on the left hand side, content on the right) * A top menubar that highlights the main features of TWiki (edit and attach) and conceals the more complex features under a pop up (diffs, create, etc) * A configurable left hand menu bar - the contents can be set in an editable [[WebMenu]] topic - one for the %TWIKIWEB% web and optionally one for other webs. See [[WebMenuFormat]] for details. * A top left hand icon that may change according to web selection. Add a setting to the [[WebPreferences]] page, the LOGO variable indicates what logo to use. > * **Set LOGO = %PUBURL%/%MAINWEB%/LogoTopic/logo.gif** * Simple Web.TopicName location status * A quick search box * Username feedback with a click to personal topics (requires sessions) * Cascading style sheet for structured style alterations (however, we do not constrain the font size of TWiki content - use View/Textsize in your browser for this) * Javascript to open/close menu folders, etc. Installation: * Unzip the skin and plugin into your TWiki installation * Then edit [[WebMenu]] to set the contents of the menu bar, supplied one cover TWiki, Main and Test Webs * Add the following line to %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiPreferences or to any [[WebPreferences]] topic * Set SKIN = tiger * This version also has support proof-of-concept support for additional skins of the Tiger Skin class. Set skin = blue to see alternative. * If using multiple skin handlers then the following line needs to be included in %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiPreferences to set the TWiki wide default or in a specific [[WebPreferences]] topic to use the Tiger Skin handler only for that Web. * Set SKINHANDLER = Tiger * **Note:** As this is the first (and currently only) Skin Handler it defaults to procssing the SKIN unless SKINHANDLER is set to some value besides Tiger. The [[TigerSkin]] comes with a plugin - see [[TigerSkinPlugin]] - that inserts items such as the left hand menu. It uses the plugin to read the [[WebMenu]] topic, etc. The [[TigerSkin]] can be used (optionally) with the [[SessionPlugin]] - it then allows logon and session management. Please note: * The [[TigerSkin]] is designed for use with IE 5.0 and 5.5 - not (yet) Netscape compatible. Although this version provides initial integration of the NS * The [[TigerSkin]] purposely avoids using different colors for different webs - we think that this is desconcerting to novice users. * The [[TigerSkin]] needs a TWiki beta release dated after 27 Jul 2001 * The [[TigerSkin]] uses the new An example logo is attached to this page - just download and edit to make your own logo. It should be named logo.gif. The overall site logo lives as an attachment hereto, individual web logos should be placed in pub/webname/logo.gif. Please be sure to acknowledge TWiki.org appropriately. For help and advice, please email %MAINWEB%.SteveRoe or %MAINWEB%.JohnTalintyre ### %TOPIC% Settings Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write **%<plugin>\_<setting>%**, i.e. **%EMPTYPLUGIN\_SHORTDESCRIPTION%** * One line description, is shown in the %TWIKIWEB%.TextFormattingRules topic: * Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Supports [[TigerSkin]] * Max number of revisions to show on drop down menu * Set NUMREVISIONS = 5 * Debug plugin: (See output in `data/debug.txt`) * Set DEBUG = 0 [展示架](http://zhanshijia.shop263.com) [生物反应器](http://shengwufanyingqi.shop263.com) [笔记本电脑](http://bijibendiannao.0008888.com) [成人用品](http://chengrenyongpin.0008888.com) [翻译](http://fanyi.0008888.com) [鲜花](http://xianhua.0008888.com) [移民](http://yimin.0008888.com) [翻译公司](http://fanyigongsi.0008888.com) [租房](http://zufang.0008888.com) [游戏](http://youxi.0008888.com) [游戏下载](http://youxixiazai.0008888.com) [摸屏](http://moping.0008888.com) [壁纸](http://bizhi.0008888.com) [服务器](http://fuwuqi.0008888.com) [爱滋病](http://aizibing.0008888.com) [办公自动化](http://bangongzidonghua.0008888.com) [出国](http://chuguo.0008888.com) [短信](http://duanxin.0008888.com) [干燥设备](http://ganzaoshebei.0008888.com) [交友](http://jiaoyou.0008888.com) [聊天](http://liaotian.0008888.com) [门禁](http://menjin.0008888.com) [内衣](http://neiyi.0008888.com) [升降机](http://shengjiangji.0008888.com) [视频](http://1shipin.0008888.com) [写真](http://xiezhen.0008888.com) [仪器仪表](http://yiqiyibiao.0008888.com) [移动存储](http://yidongcunchu.0008888.com) [音乐](http://yinyue.0008888.com) [自考](http://zikao.0008888.com) [算命](http://suanming.0008888.com) [惠普](http://huipu.0008888.com) [诺基亚](http://nuojiya.0008888.com) [体育彩票](http://tiyucaipiao.0008888.com) [网页制作](http://wangyezhizuo.0008888.com) [前列腺](http://qianliexian.0008888.com) [索尼](http://suoni.0008888.com) [宠物](http://chongwu.0008888.com) [大连](http://dalian.0008888.com) [电力](http://dianli.0008888.com) [福利彩票](http://fulicaipiao.0008888.com) [个人主页](http://gerenzhuye.0008888.com) [广告公司](http://guanggaogongsi.0008888.com) [国际贸易](http://guojimaoyi.0008888.com) [会计](http://kuaiji.0008888.com) [计算机等级考试](http://jisuanjidengjikaoshi.0008888.com) [交通](http://jiaotong.0008888.com) [宽带](http://kuandai.0008888.com) [免费空间](http://mianfeikongjian.0008888.com) [农业](http://nongye.0008888.com) [企业文化](http://qiyewenhua.0008888.com) [人才](http://rencai.0008888.com) [人才网](http://rencaiwang.0008888.com) [设计](http://sheji.0008888.com) [手机报价](http://shoujibaojia.0008888.com) [图书](http://tushu.0008888.com) [网络](http://wangluo.0008888.com) [网络游戏](http://wangluoyouxi.0008888.com) [物业管理](http://wuyeguanli.0008888.com) [西门子](http://ximenzi.0008888.com) [小灵通](http://xiaolingtong.0008888.com) [幼儿教育](http://youerjiaoyu.0008888.com) [幼儿园](http://youeryuan.0008888.com) [娱乐](http://yule.0008888.com) [注册会计师](http://zhucekuaijishi.0008888.com) [财务](http://caiwu.0008888.com) [财务管理](http://caiwuguanli.0008888.com) [出国留学](http://chuguoliuxue.0008888.com) [电脑培训](http://diannaopeixun.0008888.com) [多媒体](http://duomeiti.0008888.com) [翻译软件](http://fanyiruanjian.0008888.com) [飞机票](http://feijipiao.0008888.com) [购物](http://gouwu.0008888.com) [管理](http://guanli.0008888.com) [婚纱摄影](http://hunshasheying.0008888.com) [激光](http://jiguang.0008888.com) [计算机培训](http://jisuanjipeixun.0008888.com) [空间](http://kongjian.0008888.com) [律师](http://lvshi.0008888.com) [律师事务所](http://lvshishiwusuo.0008888.com) [贸易](http://maoyi.0008888.com) [美容美发](http://meirongmeifa.0008888.com) [模型](http://moxing.0008888.com) [纳米](http://nami.0008888.com) [商标](http://shangbiao.0008888.com) [数据库](http://shujuku.0008888.com) [通讯](http://tongxun.0008888.com) [网络安全](http://wangluoanquan.0008888.com) [项目管理](http://xiangmuguanli.0008888.com) [鞋](http://xie.0008888.com) [雅思](http://yasi.0008888.com) [英语培训](http://yingyupeixun.0008888.com) [园林](http://yuanlin.0008888.com) [招标](http://zhaobiao.0008888.com) [纸](http://zhi.0008888.com) [中医](http://zhongyi.0008888.com)