TWiki expands the following variables enclosed in % percent signs:
Variable: Expanded to:
%WIKIHOMEURL% The base script URL of TWiki, link of Home icon in upper left corner, is %WIKIHOMEURL%
%SCRIPTURL% The script URL of TWiki, is %SCRIPTURL%
%SCRIPTURLPATH% The path of the script URL of TWiki, is %SCRIPTURLPATH%
%PUBURL% The public URL of TWiki, is %PUBURL%
%PUBURLPATH% The path of the public URL of TWiki, is %PUBURLPATH%
%ATTACHURL% The attachment URL of the current topic, is %ATTACHURL%
Example: If you attach a file you can refer to it as %ATTACHURL%/image.gif
%ATTACHURLPATH% The path of the attachment URL of the current topic, is %ATTACHURLPATH%
%WIKITOOLNAME% Name of wiki tool, is %WIKITOOLNAME%
%WIKIVERSION% Wiki tool version, is %WIKIVERSION%
%USERNAME% Your login username, is %USERNAME%
%WIKIUSERNAME% Your Wiki username, if defined in %MAINWEB%.TWikiUsers. Same as %USERNAME% if not defined. Is %WIKIUSERNAME%
%WEB% The current web, is %WEB%
%TOPIC% The current topic name, is %TOPIC%
%GMTIME% GM time, is %GMTIME%
%GMTIME{"format"}% Formatted GM time based on keywords (first three characters needed.)
Example: %GMTIME{"day month, year - hour:min:sec"}% is %GMTIME{"day month, year - hour:min:sec"}%
%SERVERTIME{"format"}% Formatted server time. Example: %SERVERTIME{"hou:min"}% is %SERVERTIME{"hou:min"}%
%HTTP_HOST% HTTP_HOST environment variable, is %HTTP_HOST%
%REMOTE_ADDR% REMOTE_ADDR environment variable, is %REMOTE_ADDR%
%REMOTE_PORT% REMOTE_PORT environment variable, is %REMOTE_PORT%
%REMOTE_USER% REMOTE_USER environment variable, is %REMOTE_USER%
%INCLUDE{"SomeTopic"}% Server side include, includes another topic. The current Wiki web is searched by default. Example: %INCLUDE{"TWiki.TWikiWebsTable"}%
%SEARCH{"str" ...}% Inline search, shows a search result embedded in a topic. Parameter is composed of the search string, followed by optional name="value" pairs:
Pair: Description: Default:
web="Main Know"
Wiki web to search: A web, a list of webs separated by whitespace, or all webs [1] Current web
Search topic name (title) or in the text (body) of the topic Topic text (body)
Sort the results of search by the topic names, last modified time, or last editor Sort by topic name
Limit the number of results returned All results
regex="on" Regular Expression? search Literal search
reverse="on" Reverse the direction of the search Ascending search
casesensitive="on" Case sensitive search Ignore case
nosummary="on" Show topic title only Show topic summary
bookview="on" Book View? search, e.g. show complete topic text Show topic summary
nosearch="on" Suppress search string Show search string
nototal="on" Do not show number of topics found Show number
Example: %SEARCH{"wiki" web="Main" scope="topic"}%
[1] **_Note_**: A web can be excluded from a `web="all"` search if you define a `NOSEARCHALL=on` variable in its [[WebPreferences]]. Additional variables are defined in the preferences ( site-level ( **_SL_** ) in %TWIKIWEB%.%WIKIPREFSTOPIC%, web-level ( **_WL_** ) in %WEBPREFSTOPIC% of each web, and user level ( **_UL_** ) preferences in individual user topics):
Variable: Level: What:
%WIKIWEBMASTER% SL Webmaster email address (sender of email notifications) , is %WIKIWEBMASTER%
%WIKIWEBLIST% SL List of %WIKITOOLNAME% webs (in upper right corner of topics)
%WEBTOPICLIST% WL Common links of web (second line of topics)
%WEBCOPYRIGHT% SL , WL Copyright notice (bottom right corner of topics)
%WEBBGCOLOR% WL Background color of web
%NOSEARCHALL% WL Exclude web from a web="all" search (set variable to on for hidden webs)
%EDITBOXWIDTH% SL , UL Horizontal size of edit box, is %EDITBOXWIDTH%
%EDITBOXHEIGHT% SL , UL Vertical size of edit box, is %EDITBOXHEIGHT%
%ATTACHLINKBOX% SL , UL Default state of the link check box in the attach file page. Check box is initially checked if value is set to CHECKED , unchecked if empty. If checked, a link is created to the attached file at the end of the topic. Value is: %ATTACHLINKBOX%
%HTTP_EQUIV_ON_VIEW% SL http-equiv meta tags for view, rdiff, attach, search* scripts.
%HTTP_EQUIV_ON_EDIT% SL , UL http-equiv meta tags for edit script.
%HTTP_EQUIV_ON_PREVIEW% SL , UL http-equiv meta tags for preview script.
-- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 17 Aug 2000