## TWiki Username vs. Login Username This section only applies to you in case the server where %WIKITOOLNAME% is installed is authenticated and on an Intranet. %WIKITOOLNAME% manages internally two usernames: Login username and Wiki username. * **Login username:** When you login to the Intranet you use your existing login username, i.e. **pthoeny**. This name is passed to %WIKITOOLNAME% by the **REMOTE\_USER** environment variable. %WIKITOOLNAME% uses this name internally to log topic changes. Login usernames are maintained by your system administrator. * **Wiki username:** Is your name in [[WikiNotation]], i.e. **PeterThoeny**. Your [[WikiName]] will be created when you register in [[TWikiRegistration]]; doing so will also create your personal home page. **_Note:_** When you refer to a [[WikiName]] of a user (your own or somebody else's) be sure to specify the %MAINWEB% web in front of the Wiki username, e.g. write **%MAINWEB%.WikiUsername** or **%MAINWEB%.WikiUsername**. This assures that the name will be linked automatically to the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%MAINWEB% web, even if the text is written in a different %WIKITOOLNAME% web. %WIKITOOLNAME% can map the Intranet username to the Wiki username automatically, provided that the Login username and Wiki username pair has been entered in the %MAINWEB%.%WIKIUSERSTOPIC% topic. This happens automatically when you register. -- [[PeterThoeny]] - 16 May 2001