%TOC% %STARTINCLUDE% # TWiki Upgrade Guide _Upgrade from TWiki 01-Dec-2000 to TWiki 01-Sep-2001 (previous to new full release)_ ## Overview The latest version of TWiki (01-Sep-2001) involves several major new features and numerous enhancements to the last full version (01-Dec-2001). The file system set-up is almost identical, but much of the underlying data structure and processes are new. With all the changes, the upgrade procedure is straightforward, and your existing page data is imported directly. ## Upgrade Requirements * To upgrade from a 01-Dec-2000 standard installation to the new, next generation 01-Sep-2001 TWiki Production Release, follow the instructions below. * **_NOTE:_** To upgrade from a **pre-01-Dec-2000** TWiki, start with %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiUpgradeTo01Dec2000. * To upgrade from a Beta of the new release, or if you made custom modifications to the application, read through all new reference documentation, then use the procedure below as a guideline. ## Major Changes from TWiki 01-Dec-2000 The 01 Sep 2001 release includes the following new features and enhancements: * **[[TWikiDocumentation]]** - Easily install program enhancements using external plug-in modules. Developers can create plug-ins in Perl, with the [[TWikiPlugins]]. * **[[TWikiDocumentation]]** (preinstalled) - Link to external sites with text aliases, `SiteAlias:Page`; rules are defined in [[InterWikis]]. (Get more Plugins from the TWiki:Plugins web.) * **[[TWikiDocumentation]]** - New, more flexible template system. * **[[TWikiDocumentation]]** - Overwrite template headers and footers; page content is unaffected. * **[[TWikiDocumentation]]** - New data format * **[[TWikiDocumentation]]** - Create multiple input forms per web; data is rendered in HTML tables. * **[[TWikiDocumentation]]** Individual pages can be managed through the browser. Deleted topics are stored in a common Trash web. * **[[TWikiDocumentation]]** Change and reset passwords using forms. * **TOC (Table of Contents)** - %TOC% variable generates a hierarchical table of contents from topic headings: <HI>...<H6>. Set depth. * **[[TWIKIWEBTWikiVariables]]** - Text formatting rules to generate automatic links from any combination of words and spaces. * **\[[%TWIKIWEB%.FileAttachments]\[Attachments Under Revision Control]** Changes to files attached to topics - - are now tracked under revision control (RCS). * **ConvertToXHTML10** - Templates and HTML page rendering are in XHTML 1.0 as far as possible without breaking HTML 3.2 compliance. * **HierarchicalNavigation** uses new Meta Data variables to link hierarchically, for example, as in Yahoo! and other search sites. The TWiki directory structure remains the same, with one exception, the new `lib/TWiki/Plugins` directory tree to for the main configuration file, library, internal modules and the new Plugin modules. Pre-existing files were formerly in `bin`. ## Standard Upgrade Procedure Follow this step-by-step guide to upgrade the 01 Dec 2000 version to the 01 Sep 2001 release, and import your original page data: ### Step 1: Backup & Unpack 1. 1. Backup all existing TWiki directories ( `bin`, `pub`, `data`, `templates` ) 1. 1. Unpack the zip file into some working directory:
`mkdir -p ~/tmp/`
`cd ~/tmp`
`unzip ~/TWiki20001201.zip` ### Step 2: Upgrade TWiki document files 1. 1. Move the document files to your TWiki root ( `twiki` ):
`mv ~/tmp/TWiki*.html $TWIKIROOT`
`mv ~/tmp/index.html $TWIKIROOT`
`mv ~/tmp/readme.txt $TWIKIROOT`
`mv ~/tmp/license.txt $TWIKIROOT` ### Step 3: Upgrade CGI scripts 1. 1. Rename your original `twiki/bin` directory: ( `twiki/bin` )
`mv $TWIKIROOT/bin $TWIKIROOT/bin.old` 2. Move the new scripts to your original `twiki/bin` location, i.e.
`mv ~/tmp/bin $TWIKIROOT/bin` 3. Merge the changes in your current `wikicfg.pm` into the new `wikicfg.pm`. We suggest using `diff -c` to compare the two files if you have made heavy changes to the file:
`diff -c $TWIKIROOT/bin.old/wikicfg.pm $TWIKIROOT/bin/wikicfg.pm | less` 4. Restore any additional scripts you might have from the old directory, ex:
`mv $TWIKIROOT/bin.old/somescript $TWIKIROOT/bin/` 5. Test your TWiki installation if you can view topics. * * Pay attention to the file and directory permissions (security issue) ### Step 4: Upgrade template files 1. 1. Rename your original `twiki/templates` directory: ( `twiki/templates` )
`mv $TWIKIROOT/templates $TWIKIROOT/templates.old` 2. Move the new templates to your original `twiki/templates` location:
`mv ~/tmp/templates $TWIKIROOT/templates` 3. Customized templates and skins need to be upgraded to the [[TWikiDocumentation]]. The safest way is to use the new templates as a base and to merge your changes back. Changes in new templates: * Changed format from HTML to XHTML. * Templates are now rendered by TWiki. You can use all [[TWikiDocumentation]], but you have to escape unwanted ones. Also, remove empty lines unless you want a `=

` tag added. * Added [[TWikiDocumentation]]. 4. The Form Templates replace the TWikiCategoryTable: * [[TWikiDocumentation]] based on `twikicatitems.tmpl` in each web that used a Category Table. * Searches need to be adjusted to deal with format change - if all topics are upgrades, a more specific search can be done. 5. \_\_Merge the changes in your current template files into the new template files. To compare two files use
=diff -c $TWIKIROOT/templates.old/view.tmpl $TWIKIROOT/templates/view.tmpl | less=\_\_ 6. For each web that has a custom **notedited.tmpl** template, create a [[WebTopicEditTemplate]] to conform with the new [[TWikiDocumentation]] feature. Retired `notedited.tmpl`, `notext.tmpl` and `notwiki.tmpl` templates. 7. Restore any additional template subdirectories of your TWiki webs you might have and merge the changes. 8. Test your TWiki installation to see if you can view topics. ### Step 5: Upgrade public files 1. 1. Move the new `twiki/pub/TWiki` directory to your installation: ( `twiki/pub` )
`mv ~/tmp/pub/TWiki $TWIKIROOT/pub/` 2. Move the new `twiki/pub/twikilogo*` image files to your installation:
`mv ~/tmp/pub/twikilogo* $TWIKIROOT/pub` * * Pay attention to the file permissions of the `TWiki` directory and its subdirectory and files. The files must be writable by the CGI scripts (usually user "nobody"). ### Step 6: Upgrade data files 1. 1. Move the new `twiki/data/TWiki` directory to your installation: ( `twiki/data` )
`mv ~/tmp/data/TWiki $TWIKIROOT/data/`
Pay attention to the file permissions of the `TWiki` directory and its files. The files must be writable by the cgi-scripts (usually user "nobody") 2. Optionally move the new `twiki/data/Test` directory to your installation,
`mv ~/tmp/data/Test $TWIKIROOT/data/`
(Pay attention to the file permissions) 3. `TWikiRegistration` moved from TWiki.Main to TWiki.TWiki. In case you customized `TWikiRegistration` , merge your changes back into `TWiki.TWikiRegistration` , then delete `$TWIKIROOT/data/Main/TWikiRegistration*`. 4. `TWikiPreferences` into `TWiki.TWikiPreferences`. 5. Merge your changes to the `WebPreferences` topics in all your webs into `WebPreferences` 6. Modify the `WebPreferences` topics in all your webs to reflect the following: * `WEBTOPICLIST` should use `WebChanges` for `"Changes"`, and `WebIndex` for `"Index"`:
`| Changes`
`| Index` * In case you want to exclude a web from a `web="all"` search: Set this new preference
`Set NOSEARCHALL = on` 7. The `WebSearch` topic has considerable changes. Copy the one from `TWiki.TWiki` into all webs, or merge them if you made changes. To copy, do an edit-copy-edit-paste operation. 8. **_Change the `WebHome` topics in all your webs to reflect these changes:_** 9. If you are using **.htaccess**, add the `rename` script \* You may want to add `[ALLOW|DENY][WEB|TOPIC]RENAME` in some places, like %TWIKIWEB%TWikiPreferences, [[WebPreferences]] and %MAINWEB%.TWikiUsers ### General Format Changes * Format changed of **%GMTIME\{"..."\}%** and **%SERVERTIME\{"..."\}%** variables. Format is now **"$hour:$min"** instead of **"hour:min"**. More in %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiVariables. * [[ExtendingTableSyntax]]: Enhanced table syntax might have unwanted side effect: **| \*bold\* |** cells, **|  center aligned  |** and **|   right aligned |** cells, span multiple columns using **| empty cells |||**. More in %TWIKIWEB%.TextFormattingRules. * Use **Net::SMTP** module instead of **sendmail** if installed. * Use **<verbatim> ... </verbatim>** tags instead of **<pre> ... </pre>** tags where appropriate. More in %TWIKIWEB%.TextFormattingRules. * New variable **%STARTINCLUDE%** and **%STOPINCLUDE%** variables to control what gets included of a topic. More in %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiVariables. * [[FileAttachment]] info is now stored as [[TWikiDocumentation]]. * Upgrading of imported pagess is done automatically after first edit, on save. "In memory" upgrade is done on topic view. * Attachments are now under revision control: `$attachAsciiPath` in `TWiki.cfg` defines which file types are stored in ASCII, otherwise, binary format is used. This means that the RCS version used should support binary files. * Handling for topic-specific templates like `edit.new.tmpl` has been removed and replaced by template topics in the new [[TWikiDocumentation]] ) * A new file `warning.txt` file can appear in the `data` directory. It may contain diagnostic info identifying problems that need fixing. This file could get fairly large if you have a lot of problems your site - you can delete it at any time. ## Known Upgrade Issues * * Check for known issues of TWiki 01 Sep 2001 (production release) * * **_Upgrading requires extensive changes be made to topics in the TWiki web._** -- [[Main/JohnTalintyre]] - 18 Jul 2001