## TWiki Skins
Skins are customized [[TWikiTemplates]] files. You can use skins to change the look of a %WIKITOOLNAME% topic, for example the layout of the header and footer. Note that the renderd text between header and footer does **_not_** change. You can also use skins to define an alternate view, ex: a view optimized for printing.
Skin files are located in the **twiki/template**
directory and are name with this syntax: **<scriptname>.<skin>.tmpl**
. For example, the **print**
skin for the **view**
template is **view.print.tmpl**
(red color added for clarification).
A skin can be activated in two ways:
* Define the SKIN preference variable in [[TWiki/TWikiPreferences]], one of the [[WebPreferences]], or a user preference. Ex:
* `Set SKIN = print`
* Add `?skin=name` to the URL, for this example:
* %SCRIPTURL%/view%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%?skin=print (for the print view skin)
* %SCRIPTURL%/view%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%?skin=plain (for the plain view skin that has no header and footer)
The **?skin=name**
URL parameter overrides the SKIN preference value.
-- [[PeterThoeny]] - 14 Jul 2001