.txt` .
* The [[WebStatistics]] topic must be present in all webs where you want to have statistics. You can use the topic in the Main web as a template.
* Call the `twiki/bin/statistics` script from a cron job, once a day is recommended. This will update the [[WebStatistics]] topics in all webs.
* **_Attention:_** The script must run as the same user as the CGI scripts are running, which is user `nobody` on most systems. Example crontab entry:
`0 0 * * * (cd /path/to/TWiki/bin; ./statistics >/dev/null 2>&1)`
* There is a workaround in case you can't run the script as user `nobody` : Run the utility `twiki/bin/geturl` in your cron job and specify the URL of the `twiki/bin/statistics` script as a parameter. Example:
`0 0 * * * (cd /path/to/TWiki/bin; ./geturl mydomain.com /urlpath/to/TWiki/bin/statistics >/dev/null 2>&1)`
### Generating Statistics Manually by URL
* The `twiki/bin/statistics` script can also be executed as a CGI script, just enter the URL in your browser. Examples:
* Update current month for all webs:
* Update current month for Main web only:
* Update January 2000 for Main web:
## WebSearch
[[WebSearch]] is an extremely fast and flexible search facility, part of the core TWiki feature set. Options include:
* topic title or full-text search
* regular expressions
* search within web or site-wide
* index-style A-Z alphabetical listing sorted topic title
* many more
See also: [[TWikiVariables]] for including hard-coded searches in text.
### WebChanges
To check for the most recently edited topics while on-site, use the [[WebChanges]] link, usually located on the upper toolbar. It lists the most recently modified topics, newest first, along with the first couple of lines of the page content.
This is simply a preset `SEARCH`. The number of topics listed by the `limit` parameter.:
> %SEARCH{".*" web="%INCLUDINGWEB%" regex="on" nosearch="on" order="modified"
reverse="on" limit="50"}%
### WebIndex
[[WebIndex]] lists all web topics in alphabetical order, with the first couple of lines of text. This is simply a preset `SEARCH`:
> %SEARCH{"\.*" scope="topic" regex="on" nosearch="on"}%
-- [[Main/MikeMannix]] - 01 Dec 2001