The %WIKITOOLNAME% web is a web-based collaboration tool.
* [[WelcomeGuest]] tells you more about how to use it.
* TWiki's home is at
%WIKITOOLNAME% is a cgi-bin script written in Perl. It reads a text file, hyperlinks it and converts it to HTML on the fly. The point is to:
* make the text editing process very simple ( click on the **Edit** link at the bottom of the page )
* and to find information fast ( [[WebSearch]] ).
In addition to being quick, %WIKITOOLNAME% also aspires to Zen ideals generally labeled [[WabiSabi]]. Zen finds beauty in the imperfect and ephemeral. When it comes down to it, that's all you need.
What does the name TWiki stand for?
* _Wiki wiki_ means quick in Hawai'ian. They call the shuttle at the Honolulu airport the [ wiki wiki bus](
* _TWiki_ is the short form of _TakeFive Wiki_ . (Later on I found out that _Twiki_ is the name of a robot in a [Buck Rogers]( TV show in 1979)
%WIKITOOLNAME% is one of many [[WikiWikiClones]]; the first one was built by Wiki:WardCummingham,
Topics of interest:
* [[TWikiEnhancementRequests]] is the place where you can add your enhancement requests.
* [[TWikiPlannedFeatures]] has a list of planned features for upcoming TWiki versions.
* [[TWikiHistory]] shows TWiki's implementation history.
* [[TWikiDocumentation]] is the implementation documentation.
* [[TWikiAdministration]] tells you how to do administrative stuff, like renaming or deleting a topic.
* [[WikiCulture]] talks about the unique type of collaboration Wiki systems offer.
* [[WikiReferences]] has links to articles and books around collaboration and the Wiki technology in particular.
* %WIKITOOLNAME% automatically signs new pages with your [[WikiName]] in case %WIKITOOLNAME% is running on an Intranet where you log in. In case your %WIKITOOLNAME% installation does not authenticate users, %WIKITOOLNAME% does not know about user names, all contributors have the user name [[Main/TWikiGuest]].
* TWiki's source code is available upon request, see
* This %WIKITOOLNAME% version is **%WIKIVERSION%** .
-- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 09 Nov 2000