%TOC\{depth="4"\}% %STARTINCLUDE% # TWiki Shorthand Working in TWiki is as easy as typing in text - exactly like email. You don't need to know HTML, though you can use it if you prefer. Links to topics are created automatically when you enter [[WikiWords]]. And [[TWikiShorthand]] gives you all the power of HTML with a simple coding system that takes little time to learn. It's all layed out below - refer back to this table in a pop-up window from the **Edit** screen.
Formatting Command: | Example: You write: | You get: | |||||||||||||||
Paragraphs: Blank lines will create new paragraphs. |
1st paragraph 2nd paragraph |
1st paragraph 2nd paragraph |
Headings: At least three dashes at the beginning of a line, followed by plus signs and the heading text. One plus creates a level 1 heading (most important), two pluses a level 2 heading; the maximum is level 6. Note: A Table of Content can be created automatically with the % variable, see [[TWikiVariables]]. |
Maguro |
Bold Text: Words get bold by enclosing them in * asterisks. |
*Bold* |
Bold | |||||||||||||||
Italic Text: Words get italic by enclosing them in _ underscores. |
_Italic_ |
Italic | |||||||||||||||
Bold Italic: Words get _bold italic by enclosing them in _ double-underscores. |
__Bold italic__ |
Bold italic | |||||||||||||||
Fixed Font: Words get shown in fixed font by enclosing them in equal signs. |
=Fixed font= |
Fixed font |
Bold Fixed Font: Words get shown in bold fixed font by enclosing them in double equal signs. |
==Bold fixed== |
Bold fixed |
Note: Make sure to "stick" the * _ = signs to the words, e.g. take away spaces. |
_This works_, _this not _ |
This works, _this not _ | |||||||||||||||
Verbatim Mode: Surround code excerpts and other formatted text with <verbatim> and </verbatim> tags. Note: Use <pre> and </pre> tags instead if you want HTML code to be interpreted. Note: Each tag must be on a line by itself. |
<verbatim> class CatAnimal { void purr() { <code here> } } </verbatim> |
class CatAnimal { void purr() { <code here> } } |
Separator: At least three dashes at the beginning of a line. |
------- |
List Item: Three spaces and an asterisk. |
* bullet item |
Nested List Item: Six, nine, ... spaces and an asterisk. |
* nested stuff |
Ordered List: Three spaces and a number. |
1 Sushi 1 Dim Sum |
Definition List: Three spaces, the term, a colon, a space, followed by the definition. Note: Terms with spaces are not supported. In case you do have a term with more then one word, separate the words with dashes or with the &nbsp; non-breaking-space entity. |
Sushi: Japan Dim&nbsp;Sum: S.F. |
Table: Optional spaces followed by the cells enclosed in vertical bars. Note: | cells are rendered as table headers. Note: | spaced | cells are rendered center aligned. Note: | spaced | cells are rendered right aligned. Note: | 2 colspan || cells are rendered as multi-span columns. Note: In case you have a long row and you want it to be more readable when you edit the table you can split the row into lines that end with a '\' backslash character. |
| *L* | *C* | *R* | | A2 | 2 | 2 | | A3 | 3 | 3 | | multi span ||| | A4 \ |
Note: In case you want to link to a topic in a different %WIKITOOLNAME% web write Webname.TopicName . |
WebNotify Know.ReadmeFirst |
[[WebNotify]] [[Know/ReadmeFirst]] |
Forced Links: You can create a forced internal link by enclosing words in double square brackets. Note: Text within the brackets may contain optional spaces; the topic name is formed by capitalizing the initial letter and by removing the spaces; i.e. [ links to topic [[TextFormattingFAQ]]. You can also refer to a different web and use anchors. |
[[wiki syntax]] [[%MAINWEB%.TWiki users]] |
[[WikiSyntax]] [[MAINWEBTWikiUsers]] |
Specific Links: Create a link where you can specify the link text and the link reference separately, using nested square brackets like [ . Internal link references (i.e. [[WikiSyntax]]) and external link references (i.e. http://TWiki.org/) are supported. The same Forced Links rules apply for internal link references. Anchor names can be added as well, like [ and [ . |
[[WikiSyntax][syntax]] [[http://gnu.org][GNU]] |
[[WikiSyntax]] | |||||||||||||||
Anchors: You can define a link reference inside a %WIKITOOLNAME% topic (called an anchor name) and link to that. To define an anchor write #AnchorName at the beginning of a line. The anchor name must be a [[WikiWord]]. To link to an anchor name use the [ syntax. You can omit the topic name if you want to link within the same topic. |
[[WebHome#NotThere]] [[#MyAnchor][Jump]] #MyAnchor To here |
[[WebHome]] Jump |
Prevent a Link: Prevent a [[WikiWord]] from being linked by prepending it with the <nop> tag. |
<nop>SunOS |
[[Square bracket rules]]
let you easily create non-WikiWord links.
## TWiki Variables
[[TWikiVariables]] are names that are enclosed in percent signs `%` that are expanded on the fly. Using the existing variables, and even creating your own, adds an amazing extra level of content to your posts. For example:
* %TOC%
: Automatically generates a table of contents based on headings in a topic - see the top of this page for an example.
* %WEB%
: The current web, is **%WEB%**.
: The current topic name, is **%TOPIC%**.
: The attachment URL of the current topic. Example usage: If you attach a file to a topic you can refer to it as **%ATTACHURL%/image.gif**
to show the URL of the file or the image in your text.
* %INCLUDE\{"SomeTopic"\}%
: Server side include, includes another topic. The current %WIKITOOLNAME% web is the default web. Example: **%INCLUDE\{"%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiWebsTable"\}%**
* There are many more variables, see **[[TWikiVariables]]**.
## Common Editing Errors
TWiki formatting rules are fairly simple to use and quick to type. However, there are some things to watch out for, taken from the [[TextFormattingFAQ]]:
* **Q:** Text enclosed in angle brackets like `