**History of the TWiki Implementation**
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 23 Jul 1998: Installed initial version, based on the JOS Wiki. See [[WikiWikiClones]] for details.
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 27 Jul 1998: Added automatic links to topics in other TWiki webs by specifying <web name>.<topic name>, e.g. `Know.WebSeach` .
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 28 Jul 1998: Topic [[WebSearch]] allows full text search and and topic search with/without regular expressions.
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 28 Jul 1998: Topic index. (Technically speaking a simple '.\*' search on topic names.)
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 28 Jul 1998: Topic [Changes](%SCRIPTURL%/changes/Main) shows Wiki username instead of Intranet username, e.g. `PeterThoeny` instead of `thoeny` in case the Wiki username exists. Implementation: Automatic lookup of Wiki username in topic [[Main/TWikiUsers]].
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 28 Jul 1998: Added TWiki variables, enclosed in % signs: %TOPIC%
(Topic name), %WEB%
(web name), %SCRIPTURL%
(script URL), %DATE%
(current date), %WIKIWEBMASTER%
(Wiki webmaster address), %WIKIVERSION%
(Wiki version), %USERNAME%
(user name), %WIKIUSERNAME%
(Wiki user name).
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 31 Jul 1998: Support for quoted text with a '>' at the beginning of the line.
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 04 Aug 1998: Warn user if new topic name is not a valid Wiki name. (template file templates/Web/notwiki.tmpl)
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 04 Aug 1998: Separate templates for text of non existing topic and default text of new topic. (template file templates/Web/notedited.tmpl)
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 05 Aug 1998: Signature and date is inserted automatically when creating a new topic.
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 06 Aug 1998: Added server side include of files. Syntax is %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"%
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 07 Aug 1998: Automatic email notification when something has changed in a TWiki web. Each web has a topic [[WebNotify]] where one can subscribe and unsubscribe.
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 13 Aug 1998: [[WikiNotation]] allows also numbers after the `AaA` sequence, e.g. `AaA1` is a valid [[WikiTopic]] name, but not `Aa1`.
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 24 Sep 1998: Corrected templates for automatic email notification so that MS Outlook can display attachment as an HTML file.
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 13 Oct 1998: Alphabetical topic index in [[WebSearch]].
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 14 Oct 1998: Refered-By: Find out which topics have a link to the current topic. Each topic has a |Ref-By| link for that. Note: Only references from the current web are shown, not references from other webs.
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 26 Oct 1998: Added revision control using RCS. Each topic has now a list of revisions at the bottom and a revision info, e.g.
Topic TWikiHistory . \{ Edit | Ref-By | r1.3 | r1.2 | r1.1 \}
Revision r1.3: 1998/10/26 01:34:00 by [[PeterThoeny]]
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 26 Oct 1998: Added preview of topic changes before saving the topic. This was necessary to prevent unneeded revisions.
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 10 Nov 1998: View differences between topic revisions. Each topic has a list of revisions (e.g. `r1.3`) and differences thereof (e.g. `>`) at the bottom:
Topic TWikiHistory . \{ Edit | Ref-By | r1.3 | > | r1.2 | > | r1.1 \}
Revision r1.3: 1998/11/10 01:34 by [[PeterThoeny]]
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 10 Nov 1998: The email notification and the Changes topic have now a topic date that is linked. Clicking on the link will show the difference between the two most recent topic revisions.
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 18 Nov 1998: Internal log of topic save actions to the file `data/logYYYYMM.txt`, where `YYYYMM` the year and month in numeric format is. Intended for auditing only, not accessible from the web.
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 07 Dec 1998: Possible to add a category table to a TWiki topic. This permits storing and searching for more structured information. Editing a topic shows a HTML form with the usual text area and a table with selectors, checkboxes, radio buttons and text fields. [[TWikiDocumentation]] has more on setup. The TWiki.Know web uses this category table to set classification, platform and OS version.
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 08 Dec 1998: Signature is shown below the text area when editing a topic. Use this to easily copy & paste your signature into the text.
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 04 Jan 1999: Fixed bug when viewing differences between topic revisions that include HTML table tags like <table>, <tr>, <td>.
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 03 Feb 1999: Possible to view complete revision history of a topic on one page. Access at the linked date in the Changes page, or the `Diffs` link at the bottom of each topic, e.g.
Topic TWikiHistory . \{ Edit | Ref-By | Diffs | r1.3 | > | r1.2 | > | r1.1 \}
Revision r1.3: 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 09 Feb 1999: No new topic revision is created if the _same_ person saves a topic again within _one_ hour.
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 09 Feb 1999: New text formatting rule for creating `fixed font text` . Words get showns in `fixed font` by enclosing them in "=" equal signs. Example: Writing =fixed font= will show up as `fixed font` .
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 26 Mar 1999: New variables %PUBURL%
(Public directory URL) and %ATTACHURL%
(URL of topic file attachment).
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 26 Mar 1999: File attachments: Upload and download any file as a topic attachment by using the browser. [[FileAttachment]] has more.
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 15 Apr 1999: Topic locking: Warn user if a topic has been edited by an _other_ person within _one_ hour. This is to prevent contention, e.g. simultaneous topic updates.
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 20 May 1999: New variables %WIKIHOMEURL%
(link when pressing the icon on the upper left corner) and %WIKITOOLNAME%
(the name of the wiki tool: `%WIKITOOLNAME%` ).
* [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 20 May 1999: Added meta tag so that robots index only /view/ of topics, not /edit/, /attach/ e.t.c. Tag: <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX">
* [[Main/DavidWarman]] - 21 May 1999: Externalize copyright text at the bottom of every page in a web-specific `webcopyright.inc` file. This is to easily customize the copyright text.
**Related Topics**
* [[TWikiDocumentation]] has implementation details.
* [[TWikiPlannedFeatures]] has a list of planned features.
* [[TWikiEnhancementRequests]] is the place where you can add your enhancement requests.
-- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 15 Apr 1999