# <a name="Frequently_Asked_Questions_About"> Frequently Asked Questions About %WIKITOOLNAME% </a>

This is a real FAQ and a demo application - one way to implement a knowledge base solution.

%SEARCH\{ "\\-\\-\\-\\+\\+ FAQ\\:" casesensitive="on" regex="on" nosearch="on" nototal="on"\}%

**_Note:_** The most up to date list of this FAQ is at TWiki:TWiki/TWikiFAQ.

## <a name="Submit_a_new_FAQ"> </a> Submit a new FAQ

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## <a name="Read_more"> Read more </a>

Other places where you can find an answer to your question:

* [[TWikiDocumentation]]: All you need to know to install and configure %WIKITOOLNAME%.
* [[TWikiTutorial]]: Get a jump start on TWiki.
* [[GoodStyle]]: Things to consider when changing text.
* [[WikiSyntax]], [[TextFormattingRules]]: Easy to learn rules when editing text.
* [[TextFormattingFAQ]]: Answers to frequently asked questions about text formatting.
* If you can't find an answer you can ask a question in the TWiki.Support web at TWiki:Support.

-- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 26 Nov 2000 <br />