# Wiki Meta Discussions This is an area to talk about how these pages are put together, edited and arranged. Without organization the navigation of the site could become unusable. Please add your comments below and then your signature, Blog style. If you need anything server related done just send me, [[Main/JoachimNilsson]], an email. I'm available almost every waken hour. One thing though. Refactor _mercilessly_! :-) [Yes! [[Main/GrantBow]]] -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 13 May 2002 ---- How often are the Webalizer stats run? [[Main/GrantBow]] Once a day. [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] The Webalizer daily stats don't seem to have been run (daily or otherwise) since the 7th if the daily graph is accurate. [http://hurd.gnufans.org/webalizer/usage\_200211.html](http://hurd.gnufans.org/webalizer/usage_200211.html) -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 15 Nov 2002 Extremely weird. I've renamed and clearified some issues in the cronjob, hopefully this will go away now. It is weird because the vmlinux.org/webalizer/ works perfectly. We'll see if the updated script works within the next 24h. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 15 Nov 2002 I partitioned your entry, maybe that's a good way to work? That way we can remove issues when they become irrelevant ... I found it quite handy and helped me partition my time as well. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 11 Nov 2002 It took me a minute to figure out what you did but it looks good now that I understand it. -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 15 Nov 2002 OK. Then we can remove these entries now. :) -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 15 Nov 2002 Thanks for installing the [Smilies Plugin](http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/SmiliesPlugin)! :-) With some of the existing IRC culture this should be very nice once people know it's available and start using it. Peeve - One thing I think is confusing is using a different name for a web than is actually coded into twiki.cfg. If we want to rename the webs now (as I feel should be done for the whole distribution) then we need to rename them NOW. As more pages get created the name is used to give the actual name of pages: example [[Main/CloroxWork]] and I can't type in [[Users/CloroxWork]] as the web menu would imply! Navigation is critical as we go to a multiple TWiki web design. -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 11 Nov 2002 Well ... the naming of the webs. It's a real hassle, actually. I think it can be done, but a shell script for such a change will take some time to construct. It would include parsing all files and using sed to replace Main and TWiki while first shutting down the webserver. This would also nullify old URL-links people might have to the Main and TWiki webs, which can of course be fixed with rewrite rules in Apache. If you really want to press the issue I can look into it (if I can find the time) - otherwise we are stuck with the Main and TWiki web names. And, of course, for clarity of navigation we should of course use the real names. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 11 Nov 2002 OK, so I think we should stick with the old names and live with it. If I ever install TWiki again I'll change the names before doing ANYTHING. -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 15 Nov 2002 OK. TWiki is, by far, the best wiki I've seen out there. These small cosmetic problems I can live with - at least until I go nuts and write that script one day ... ;-) -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 15 Nov 2002 I'm also confused about where some of the WebMenus are generated. On the Hurd web it's there but I don't understand where the others are auto-generated from. I'll have to defer to the GNU Skin master! -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 11 Nov 2002 The Hurd web has its own [[WebMenu]] (from the days when there only was one web). The other webs get their webmenus from the default TWiki.WebMenu. It's in the TWiki web all plugins install their specific files/topics. The "Edit Menu" link at the bottom of each menu always points to the current webs' menu topic, even if it does not have one. This is a bit confusing and I can change it to point to the TWiki.WebMenu for **all** webs to make things/navigation easier. See the [[TWiki/WebMenuFormat]] topic for details. On a further note, I think it is possible to only have **one** WebMenu for the whole Wiki. * Having one menu simplifies maintenance. * Webs cam have a flag "expand=[always|never]" which can simplify things for us. * There is a generic "ITEM" called "LINK" that _should_ work if you want to link to topics outside of the current web from within the context of the current web. I changed the global WebMenu so that Main and TWiki are on top. I removed their default items, since they aren't that interesting for those webs. What remains are [mostly] useful links to all users that are displayed always. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 11 Nov 2002 We also need to get navigation synchronized. I very much like the way we can do [[WebMenu]] topics for each web but we need to do some QA to make them all usable. and consistent. One thing I struggled with during my modifications of [[Hurd/WebMenu]] was where to put all the various "administrative" tools for the web we are actually using. Perhaps they should go at the bottom of the [[WebHome]] page instead of in the [[WebMenu]], but the [[WebMenu]] makes more sense from an ease of navigation viewpoint. If you are in a web and want to see the most active topics for that Web I don't want to force folks to go back to [[WebHome]] unless it's absolutely necessary. Does this make any sense or is this another pet peeve of mine that others (Joachim?) may not agree with? -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 11 Nov 2002 You make perfect sense in your monologue about navigational issues. I completely agree! The most visited topics should be listed in the menu, and so should perhaps also some of the administrative topics. But I too hesitate about the latter ones. I have thought about the naming of the administrative topics. E.g., I named [[WebChanges]] ChangeLog and [[WebIndex]] Index, etc. * What do you think about that naming strategy in the WebMenu? * Should we perhaps fall back on the original naming and thus simplify the understanding of what is an actual Hurd/Mach/Mig topic and what is a boring TWiki topic? I'm in favour of the original naming. Again, see my proposed change to the TWiki.WebMenu. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 11 Nov 2002 Why is the Hurd web now colored WHITE? -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 15 Nov 2002 Huh? On my end things look just like they have ever done ... are you goinf color blind or have you changed browser, or have your monitor cable lost R, G or B? I haven't touched the colors - all I did that was in ny way revolutionary was to add another web - Distrib. I don't think that affects the colors of the other webs ... I don't see it anyway. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 15 Nov 2002