# Wiki Meta Discussions Old discussions: [[WIKIHOMEURLTWikiTWikiDiscussrev120]] | [[WIKIHOMEURLTWikiTWikiDiscussrev144]] This is an area to talk about how the Hurd Wiki pages are put together, edited and arranged. Without organization the navigation of the site could become unusable. If you need anything server related done just send me, [[Main/JoachimNilsson]], an email. I'm available almost every waken hour. Please add your comments below and then your signature, Blog style. One thing though. Refactor _mercilessly_! :-) [Yes! [[Main/GrantBow]]] -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 13 May 2002 ---- I just saw the GNU head in the mini icon of my mozilla browser URL entry window. Very cool! When did you put that in? -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 09 Jan 2003 Not so long ago, I think it was around the 1st Jan. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 11 Jan 2003 Look out, I found a new TWiki goodie on Codev. Here's [another dangerous idea](http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Codev/ShorterURLs) again harping on shorter URLs. Can this be implemented in addition to the current scheme? I'll read closely and try to figure this out for myself as well for my friend who wants a new install. -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 10 Jan 2003 Oh, this looks dangerous! I think we should hold off on this until later, preferrably until it is more widely tested and perhaps "recommended" from the installation topics in upcoming releases of TWiki. You should see the redirects we already have, they are awful. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 11 Jan 2003 Here comes another crazy site-wide idea. I was just looking at the [Webalizer data](http://hurd.gnufans.org/webalizer/). The number of visits is increasing pretty quickly. I also found some [discussion of a Webalizer Plugin](http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Codev/WebalizerStatistics) on twiki.org. A temporary work around I was thinking of doing is edit the [[WebStatistics]] pages for the various webs to link to your Webalizer. Before I do that I wanted to discuss this with you. For [[Hurd/WebStatistics]] I just edited the topic to include the Webalizer URL in it. Might we be able to help with developing a Webalizer Plugin (or Add-On, whichever is appropriate) for TWiki to solve the general case? I'm ready to check in some stuff to a new module in the CVS you have created for the Gnu Skin on Savannah. I'm willing to learn what it will take. What do you think? -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 10 Jan 2003 Sure, we could have the [[WebStatistics]] reference the Webalizer, that could be useful. Email me your user name on Savannah and I'll add you to the developers list on the twiki-skins project. Setup a topic that we can discuss the plugin on - I might get some time over to work on it as well. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 11 Jan 2003 Here's an idea that seems almost profane at the beginning but is something I'd like to see installed on this site. [Spaced Wiki Word Plugin](http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/SpacedWikiWordPlugin) could be globally disabled, but it's a nice feature for those that would prefer it. Outsiders won't get thrown off by the funny character spacing. This could be very useful in improving adoption. What do you think, Joachim? Oops, I'm on a rampage! TWiki:Plugins/FindElsewherePlugin too. Both were at least inspired by TWiki:Main/MartinCleaver. Another interesting one might be TWiki:Plugins/SpellCheckAddOn Oops, oops, look out! TWiki:Plugins/TouchGraphAddOn should be wonderful. Alex (the original TouchGraph author) is also a recent collaborator with Dr. Douglas Engelbart like me! I'm so happy to find this addon exists! It also sounds like you recreated the TWiki:Plugins/GenHTMLAddon (or newer TWiki:Plugins/PublishAddOn) and almost the TWiki:Plugins/RedirectBySubdomainAddOn out of necessity for the home page. -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 13 Jan 2003 If only I could get through to I would take a close look on, at least, the TWiki:Plugins/SpacedWikiWordPlugin. It could sure be useful! The others I have to check out first. The Wiki2HTML stuff I did a loooong time ago. At the time I worked at and we setup [[WikiMoinMoin]] for the intranet. [[WikiMoinMoin]] is written in Python, so the Wiki2HTML script was done by me and a [Jakob](http://vmlinux.org/jakob) in Python. I did not know of the TWiki plugins, so I simply modified what I had, which is extremely simple and yet powerful. :) -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 13 Jan 2003 I'm going in alot of different directions right now, but I get excited when I learn more about what's possible with TWiki. I noticed that the version of [[TWiki/InterwikiPlugin]] uses what will soon be called the old page for [[TWiki/InterWikis]]. Twiki.org has the new one of course. TWiki:TWiki/InterSiteLinkRules. This is a relatively minor in itself. Yet Peter has also asked me to update a document that is an upgrade instructions and release notes combined. It's at TWiki:TWiki/TWikiUpgradeGuide. However, this got me thinking, what about an upgrade for ? Feels like alot of trouble. :eek: I also need to QA this document or get people to help me. :D P.S. I found two smilies not in the [[SmiliesPlugin]], :-D and >:-) -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 15 Jan 2003 I've installed the [[SpacedWikiWordPlugin]] and [[FindElsewherePlugin]]. I'll review the rest of the proposed new plugins later. I'm a bit swamped right now ... On might think that the :-D should equivalent to :D, but that's not my table. ;-) Upgrading the Hurd Wiki to the Beijing release sounds like a lot of trouble, yep. I suggest we wait until the storm has settled and all known issues with a transition are ... well, known. My philosophy is simple; "If it works, don't mess with it!" :) -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 15 Jan 2003 [[TWikiBigDiff]] -- [[Main/JamesAMorrison]] [[GnuFansW3mTips]] [[GnuFansEmailDiscuss]] [[GnuFansIRCDiscuss]] [[GnuFansBlogDiscuss]] [[GnuFansHelpHurdProject]] I'm also thinking this topic should be renamed to [[GnuFansDiscuss]] someday. :-) -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 18 Jan 2003 TWiki:Codev/EmailResetPassword is a topic I started about getting this implemented. -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 20 Jan 2003