# Wiki Meta Discussions This is an area to talk about how these pages are put together, edited and arranged. Without organization the navigation of the site could become unusable. Please add your comments below and then your signature, Blog style. If you need anything server related done just send me, [[Main/JoachimNilsson]], an email. I'm available almost every waken hour. One thing though. Refactor _mercilessly_! :-) [Yes! [[Main/GrantBow]]] -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 13 May 2002 ---- Hopefully with some time over the holidays we can finish this multi-"TWiki Web" migration. and move forward. I'm feeling pretty good about it with the exception of one [[InstallNotes]] topic. Heh. -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 22 Dec 2002 Good, we have consensus. The [[InstallNotes]] ... how about separating it into
Install Guide?
Neals' Installation Guide (verbatim copy, separate license GPL)
Install Notes?
Our (the users') notes and addendums to the guide, somthing of an errata for Neal. Under the FDL, as we should license everything in the Hurd Wiki ...
-- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 22 Dec 2002 What I hate is tip-toing around a good base but stale document that the community respects (Neal's guide) instead of having one resource we all work together on. It's confusing for us and for users, damn it. I'm going to wait and see what comes of the email transactions flying around and then maybe hit Neal up myself and try to join forces in a more graceful manner. I also renamed this topic from HurdTWikiDiscuss to WebDiscussII. I don't recall why we had this relatively new one and the old [[WebDiscuss]] both, but it was probably changed context now that there are more webs floating around to use! -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 22 Dec 2002 I really do hope this nasty business with the install guide gets resolved soon! It's, like you say, not good for the users. The two web discussion topics we should be able to merge somehow. I too fail to remember why we had them, but it's probably like you say. In some other [[WebDiscuss]] I did a back references to an earlier revision of a topic and deleted the old stuff - keeping the reference to the older revision on the top. We could to that too with these two topics. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 29 Dec 2002 As it's now December 28th, We are getting close to our organization goal of 2003! What else do we need to do? I want to move more stuff from [[Hurd/WebHome]] but some of it has to do with people which I feel most logically belongs to [[Main/HurdGnuFansOrg]] yet it would be buried under the text editing function of that particular page rather than the introductory topic that is done for every other "TWiki web" here. -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 29 Dec 2002 I've moved around a few topics to try and clear up things a bit.
Moved to Hurd Gnu Fans Org Discuss?
Moved to Hurd Gnu Fans Org?
Moved to Main.WebHome
I also updated the index.shtml page that generates accordingly. This cleared up the [[WebHome]] topic in the Main web so that we could finish moving the remaining topics from Hurd.WebHome to there. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 29 Dec 2002