# <a name="Wiki_Meta_Discussions"> Wiki Meta Discussions </a>

Old discussions: [[WIKIHOMEURLTWikiTWikiDiscussrev120]] | [[WIKIHOMEURLTWikiTWikiDiscussrev144]] | [[WIKIHOMEURLTWikiTWikiDiscussrev161]]

This is an area to talk about how the Hurd Wiki pages are put together, edited and arranged. Without organization the navigation of the site could become unusable.

If you need anything server related done just send me, [[Main/JoachimNilsson]], an email. I'm available almost every waken hour.

Please add your comments below and then your signature, Blog style.

One thing though. Refactor _mercilessly_! :-) [Yes! [[Main/GrantBow]]]

-- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 13 May 2002


Upgraded the Hurd Wiki to the latest [[GnuSkin]], 1.2. New features include:

* Preview back.
* Better support for Interner Explorer (tested on 5.5 and 6.0)
* CSS updates - different color for visited links.
* and more ...

-- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 02 Mar 2003

I just found TWiki:Plugins/TreePlugin which might be very useful in certain circumstances. I saw it used as an alternate view for [[WebIndex]] which makes total sense! I hope it can be installed someday when there is extra time.

-- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 01 May 2004