This is an area to talk about how these pages are put together, edited and arranged. Without organization the navigation of the site could become unusable. Please add your comments below and then your signature, Blog style. -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 13 May 2002 If you need anything server related done just send me, [[Main/JoachimNilsson]], an email. I'm on stand by almost every waken hour. One thing though. Refactor _mercilessly_! :-) [Yes! [[Main/GrantBow]]] -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 13 May 2002 Another idea I've been having. Wouldn't it be cool to have a Wiki on Savannah? It would greatly simplify maintenance of project home pages, for instance. The possibilities are endless it's only the reoccurring issue of actually implementing the idea ... -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 13 May 2002 Yes, this trial data may move to a central resources sometime. Savannah would be a good place, but also perhaps (maybe) to Right now this wiki can be linked to from anywhere. Oh, we might want to think about a nice comprehensive redirect method which shouldn't be too once we know where the data has moved to. We should create a template to make pages here look identical to the pages. -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 14 May 2002 I've redone the [[Know/WebHome]] in favor of my newly developed [[TWiki/GnuSkin]] plugin. It is designed with the current pages in mind. Everything in the Knowledge web is customizable and as soon as you people have looked at it I'll start configuring the Hurd web to look the same. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 04 Jun 2002 Should we perhaps disable [[TWikiGuest]] as a viable user for editing content on the Hurd web? Just a thought that crossed my mind. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 11 Jun 2002 Do you think that disabling it would significantly effect the copyright assignment issues or help us in some other way? In talking with others on #hurd and helping them create new pages (just a few) there still seems to be significant resistance to setting themselves up with an ID. Human nature I guess. I feel it may be advantageous to keep it available as an option but we can make it less prominent, perhaps moving it to the hosting page or something like that. -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 11 Jun 2002 No, not really. It was just a thought I had ... if all people registered with a valid email address the issue of moving content to GNU manuals would be less of an administrative hassle. But then again, this might not even happen ... ... so you're right. We should probably leave things as they are instead of trying to tame human nature. Even though it's fairly easy to get a Wiki user account. ∗grunt∗ Sure, move anything you want off the front page. Focus on content, **real** content and remove anything not directly applicable to the Hurd! Anyone interested in TWiki stuff will find that out for themselves. P.S. I'm currently in heavy testing of the [[TWiki/GnuSkin]] templates. Right now I'm trying to get rdiff/edit and the rest to display as nicely as the view script does. Soooooon we'll have a Wiki that even more resembles the pages. :-) D.S. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 11 Jun 2002