## Where is the Preview button? It used to be on this Wiki and is found on many other Wikis. _In fact this wiki used to have **only** preview button IIRC. You had to preview and save from preview page which could be annoing for frequent users._ ## Answer: The preview process has been redone in the [[GnuSkin]] due to popular request from other site users. This [[GnuSkin]] installation is just like any other and so the change also affects it. In the future it might be possible to have different levels of configuration of the [[GnuSkin]], even on user level. However, that is so far into the future it might not be the present author who takes it on. I might alter things in the next major release of the [[GnuSkin]] - plans are to integrate the preview and save page so that one could preview **OR** save directly. In the case there are users who don't like this and want the preview back the only possible solution is to change to another skin. Vmlinux.org has the [[SessionPlugin]] installed and thus the user can simply click on the "Skin" link in the top right corner. Available right now is the default TWiki skin and the Tiger skin (also in its blue theme). **_Back to:_** [[TWikiFAQ]] Ok, it should not be in this FAQ if it has no answer, but I wonder how it is removed. -- [[Main/MichalSuchanek]] - 18 Sep 2002
Added the answer. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 18 Sep 2002 [生物反应器](http://shengwufanyingqi.shop263.com) [展示架](http://zhanshijia.shop263.com) [审计](http://www.a688.net/bmarketingsoft5.htm) [税务](http://www.a688.net/bmarketingsoft3.htm) [不锈钢](http://buxiugang.0008888.com) [打印机](http://dayinji.0008888.com) [钢结构](http://gangjiegou.0008888.com) [计算机](http://jisuanji.0008888.com) [加盟](http://jiameng.0008888.com) [建筑材料](http://jianzhucailiao.0008888.com) [旅行社](http://lvxingshe.0008888.com) [企业管理](http://qiyeguanli.0008888.com) [人力资源](http://reliziyuan.0008888.com) [网页设计](http://wangyesheji.0008888.com) [市场营销](http://shichangyingxiao.0008888.com) [室内设计](http://shineisheji.0008888.com) [手机](http://shouji.0008888.com) [饲料](http://siliao.0008888.com) [涂料](http://tuliao.0008888.com) [卫星电视](http://weixingdianshi.0008888.com) [物流](http://wuliu.0008888.com) [远程教育](http://yuanchengjiaoyu.0008888.com) [展览](http://zhanlan.0008888.com) [包装机械](http://baozhuangjixie.0008888.com) [包装设计](http://baozhuangsheji.0008888.com) [玻璃钢](http://boligang.0008888.com) [瓷砖](http://cizhuan.0008888.com) [地板](http://diban.0008888.com) [电池](http://dianchi.0008888.com) [电动工具](http://diandonggongju.0008888.com) [电话](http://dianhua.0008888.com) [电缆](http://dianlian.0008888.com) [电器](http://dinaqi.0008888.com) [电线电缆](http://dianxiandianlan.0008888.com) [电源](http://dianyue.0008888.com) [雕塑](http://diaoshu.0008888.com) [耳机](http://erji.0008888.com) [二手电脑](http://ershoudiannao.0008888.com) [二手房](http://ershoufang.0008888.com) [发电机](http://fadianji.0008888.com) [防盗门](http://fangdaomen.0008888.com) [纺织](http://fangzhi.0008888.com) [机票](http://jipiao.0008888.com) [复印机](http://fuyinji.0008888.com) [钢铁](http://gangtie.0008888.com) [工程机械](http://gongchengjixie.0008888.com) [广告设计](http://guanggaosheji.0008888.com) [继电器](http://jidianqi.0008888.com) [家电](http://jiadian.0008888.com) [建筑设计](http://jianzhusheji.0008888.com) [交换机](http://jiaohuanji.0008888.com) [洁具](http://