## Inter-Wiki Link Rules (or Links to other Sites) This topic lists all aliases needed to map Inter-Site links to external wikis/sites. Whenever you write **ExternalSite:Page** it will be linked automatically to the page on the external site. The link points to the URL corresponding to the **ExternalSite** alias below, concatenated to the **Page** you choose. Example: Type **Wiki:RecentChanges** to get [Wiki:RecentChanges](http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?RecentChanges), the RecentChanges page at the original Wiki site. ### How to define Inter-Site links * Inter-Site links are defined in the tables below. * Each entry must be of format:
**| External site alias | URL | Tooltip help text |**. * The URL and Tooltip Text may contain optional **$page** variables; the variable gets expanded to the page name. * **_Note:_** The Tooltip Text must not contain any HTML tags (including **<nop>** escape code), no internal %TWIKIWEB%.WikiWord links, and no external links. Hint: Escape **'WikiWords'** and **'$page'**. ### Inter-Wiki Links
Alias: URL: Tooltip Text:
Wiki http://c2.com/cgi/wiki? '$page' on the original 'WikiWikiWeb' site
PPR http://c2.com/cgi/wiki? '$page' on the original 'PortlandPatternRepository' site
C2find http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?FindPage&amp;value= Search '$page' on the original 'WikiWikiWeb' site
ZWiki http://joyful.com/zwiki/ '$page' on Zope's Wiki
Org Patterns? http://www.bell-labs.com/cgi-user/OrgPatterns/OrgPatterns '$page' on Organizational Patterns site
Fox Wiki? http://fox.wikis.com/wc.dll?Wiki~ '$page' on Fox Wiki site
Php Wiki? http://phpwiki.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/index.php3? '$page' on Wiki site written in PHP
Mu Web? http://www.dunstable.com/scripts/MuWebWeb? '$page' on 'MuWeb' site
Py Wiki? http://www.voght.com/cgi-bin/pywiki? '$page' on Wiki site written in Python
Squeak http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/ '$page' on Squeak Smalltalk Wiki
Use Mod? http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/wiki.pl? '$page' on 'UseMod' Wiki site
Meat Ball? http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl? '$page' on 'MeatBall' site, a 'UseMod' Wiki variant
Mb Test? http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mbtest.pl? '$page' on 'UseMod' Wiki variant
Hammond Wiki? http://www.dairiki.org/HammondWiki/index.php3? '$page' on 'HammondWiki' site
Advogato http://www.advogato.org/ '$page' on Advogato community site (with peer review)
Moin Moin? http://moin.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/moin/moin/ '$page' on 'MoinMoin' Wiki site
Efnet Python Wiki? http://www.encrypted.net/~jh/python-wiki/moin.cgi/ '$page' on 'EfnetPythonWiki' site
Efnet Cpp Wiki? http://www.encrypted.net/~jh/cpp-wiki/moin.cgi/ '$page' on Efnet Cpp Wiki site
Efnet Xml Wiki? http://www.encrypted.net/~jh/xml-wiki/moin.cgi/ '$page' on Efnet XML Wiki site
Politizen Wiki? http://www.politizen.com/wiki.asp? '$page' on 'PolitizenWiki' site
Dolphin Wiki? http://www.object-arts.com/wiki/html/Dolphin/ '$page' on Dolphin Wiki site
Lego Wiki? http://www.object-arts.com/wiki/html/Lego-Robotics/ '$page' on 'LegoWiki' site
TWiki http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/ '$page' on TWiki site, we know it!
Visual Works? http://wiki.cs.uiuc.edu/VisualWorks/ '$page' on 'VisualWorks' site
### Miscellaneous Inter-Site Links
Alias: URL: Tooltip Text:
Acronym http://www.acronymfinder.com/af-query.asp?Acronym=$page&amp;String=exact Look up $page on Acronym Finder site
Debian Bug? http://bugs.debian.org/ Debian Bug '$page' by number or package name
BTS http://bugs.debian.org/ Debian Bug '$page' by number or package name
Debian List? http://lists.debian.org/ Debian List '$page'
Debian Package? http://packages.debian.org/ Debian Package '$page'
PTS http://packages.qa.debian.org/ Debian Package '$page'
Deja News? http://www.deja.com/=dnc/getdoc.xp?AN= '$page' on Net News
ISBN http://service.bfast.com/bfast/click?bfmid=2181&amp;sourceid=38704253&amp;bfpid= Book with ISBN#$page (One click patent? Say no to Amazon!)
RFC http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc$page.html IETF RFC #$page
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