How about that notice from [[Main/PeterThoeny]]? Why don't we change the [[Hurd/WebPreferences]] for the Hurd web to say "Copyright (c) 2002 Free Software Foundation", instead of the usual "... the contributing authors". I think that would make the information we put in here easier to move around among different webs (not only Wikified ones...). Perhaps also add a notice on licensing? Like this: "Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved." Submitting material to the Hurd Wiki not only assigns the copyrights to the Free Software Foundation it also put the material itself under the GNU FDL, -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 14 May 2002 Don't do this - the material will not be assigned to the FSF until every contributor signed a paper form and filed it with the FSF. So simply claiming something is (C) FSF will not make it to be so, and it will not only have no effect, but also be confusing. Wiki has authentication, this is good. However, unless you have paper forms, all contributions remain with the original author. And if you had papers, you would have to disallow or moderate guest account contributions and either filter them out or change the copyright notice when they are filled in. This makes reusing Wiki-evolved content in free software projects by the FSF difficult btw, so don't expect major wiki-evolved content to be included in FSF manuals or so (this is not a problem, as long as everyone is aware of this limitation and keeps it in mind). -- Marcus Brinkmann (no, not a Wiki-Name :) So what you are saying is basically this: 1. We cannot assign the copyright to the FSF without the _paper_ work. 2. We _can_ use content from the FSF (as long as we keep all copyright information, of course), but any content evolved from this is unusable for GNU manuals. 3. Even if every newly registered user (and [[Main/TWikiGuest]] is disabled completely for the Hurd Web) agrees to our terms that agreement is useless without the _paper_ work. Oh, there is of course all the RCS diffs ... would that help, if we would like to have the Wiki content in GNU manuals? -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 14 May 2002 If you have papers signed by the contributors, then any Guest added words (less than 10 lines?) can be filtered out of the Wiki using RCS. This is acceptable for GNU code, if I recall correctly. You may have to re-writen certain portions of the Wiki to use FSF contributed work only, though. -- [[Main/SimonLaw]] - 16 May 2002 There seems to be a confusion of FDL vis-a-vis copyright-assignment here. FDL is like the all-important Step 1 which protects this content from being non-free. Copyright assignment is an Optional Step 2. Step2's not being feasible does not mean that we can't take Step 1. 90% of GPL'ed software out there does not take Step 2. Step 2 helps by involving FSF in case someone violates our Step 1--the copyright itself. But i don't see why we cannot take Step 1 atleast. -- [[Main/DeepakGoel]] - 01 Oct 2002 After an email discussion a while ago now between myself, Grant Bowman, RMS and Marcus Brinkmann the following results where achieved: * Copyright assignment can indeed be done without the extensive paperwork. * To implement this on a Wiki some provisions must be fulfilled: * The user must **_actively_** select a checkbox or similar. * The text to the checkbox can be _"I approve to also assign the copyrights of my work to the FSF"_ * This practise can be implemented today in the U.S., but in the EU there are still some things that need to be ironed out. Different countries still have differences in copyright law. However, the Swedish laws, where the Hurd wiki is located, do allow such a practise. The first step, mentioned above by [[Main/DeepakGoel]] we have now taken. The Hurd wiki is now licensed under the GNU FDL. The second step, assigning copyright will take a bit longer since the Perl scripts making out the TWiki engine must be altered. Also, we must first make sure that we all want to take the second step - we will also need to get the approval of assigning copyright of older material by those editors. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 01 Jan 2003 I don't feel taking the next step of copyright assignment is necessary, but I'm not opposed to it either. My concerns revolve around encouraging a wider participation and not actively putting up more barriers. Not many folks contribute as it is, unfortunately. -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 03 Jan 2003 Good, I've been hesitating too. Then there's no need for me to rush into getting the architecture of it working just yet. As it is right now, with at least the licensing (the FDL) in place, I'm quite content. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 03 Jan 2003 [上海平安保险公司]( [审计]( [税务]( [展示台]( [风幕机]( [团体保险]( [上海保险]( [保险]( [甲缩醛]( [氯甲烷]( [团购]( [干燥]( [工业设计]( [网络电话]( [温湿度]( [管道]( [催化剂]( [电子秤]( [电加热器]( [开关柜]( [建材机械]( [保险柜]( [电路板]( [乳胶漆]( [工程塑料]( [特许经营]( [楼宇自控]( [喷码机]( [液位计]( [聚丙烯酰胺]( [电磁铁]( [超市设备]( [薄膜开关]( [指纹考勤]( [渔具]( [跑步机]( [防腐设备]( [锁具]( [弹簧]( [纸箱]( [煤炭]( [保龄球]( [木地板]( [家用电器]( [植绒]( [钻头]( [冲压件]( [建筑机械]( [实木地板]( [捏合机]( [整流器]( [酒店用品]( [升降台]( [转换器]( [软件下载]( [喷砂机]( [制罐]( [工业炉]( [生产线]( [瓷器]( [搅拌机]( [印刷机械]( [综合布线]( [避雷器]( [减震器]( [色织]( [燃烧器]( [机电设备]( [防雷器]( [地坪]( [纸品]( [冷弯型钢]( [木工机械]( [物流设备]( [铁塔]( [非开挖]( [热电偶]( [保险箱]( [吸塑机]( [喷漆]( [过滤材料]( [电刷]( [冷水机]( [采暖]( [机械加工]( [照相器材]( [电镀原料]( [毛毡]( [交通设施]( [消毒机]( [压滤机]( [刻字机]( [接口转换器]( [电视电话会议]( [贴纸相机]( [橡胶机械]( [喷泉设备]( [丝印]( [精细化工]( [塑胶玩具]( [五金模具]( [电子设备]( [企业形象设计]( [指纹识别]( [搬运车]( [牛仔布]( [电动车配件]( [会议系统]( [终端服务器]( [录音笔]( [球磨机]( [园林设计]( [路由器]( [手套箱]( [实验室设备]( [童装]( [手机美容]( [户外用品]( [证卡]( [机床附件]( [彩电]( [酒店管理]( [电话录音]( [油墨]( [布线]( [蜡烛]( [印刷包装]( [表面活性剂]( [节能灯]( [调味品]( [齿轮]( [高压泵]( [红外热像仪]( [塑料托盘]( [吊带]( [工业锅炉]( [休闲服]( [反光材料]( [印刷设备]( [足球推介]( [热处理]( [压铸]( [商标注册]( [喷灌]( [逆变器]( [输送带]( [锻造]( [车库门]( [体育器材]( [太阳能热水器]( [绝缘材料]( [焊管]( [鼓风机]( [试验]( [插座]( [艺术品]( [矿山机械]( [图像监控]( [无缝钢管]( [激光切割]( [标签打印机]( [燃气表]( [手机配件]( [卫星定位]( [印染]( [玻璃机械]( [铝型材]( [注塑]( [液压升降机]( [打标机]( [工具柜]( [焚烧炉]( [电力设备]( [干燥剂]( [计量泵]( [程控交换机]( [甲缩醛]( [氯甲烷]( [团体保险]( [上海保险]( [保险]( [上海平安保险公司]( [审计]( [税务]( [展示台]( [风幕机]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog]( [blog](