## Small ToDo list for the [[GnuSkin]]
Please use the TWiki:Plugins/GnuSkinPluginDev topic for discussions regarding the GNUskin.
The leading theme for all work that I do was given to me by my English teacher at university. He said; when writing text you always do too much. The beauty lies in short concise sentences. To make it easier for us to understand he repeatedly stated:
_Simplify, simplify, simplify!_
There is actually a book written on this very topic. To emphasize the subject even further, and contrasting with popular works of today, the book is brief and straight to the point. If you don't believe me, read [Elements of Style](http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0205191584/paradigmonlinewr/102-3410829-5714537), William Strunk & E. B. White.
### Release 1.2
The current branch for the TWiki:Codev/AthensRelease
* Only the printer icon in the toolbar looks OK in IE. (In Mozilla everything looks perfect...)
* Could it be using a cleaner 250 color palette than the rest?
* Yes, it seems so. The printer icon used an indexed palette of 127 colors. The others used mixups of various possible color settings.
* First I thought IE wouldn't display transparent PNG's at all, but now I now.
* Hopefully I can sort this out and also fix the rounded edges display issue at the same time.
* Check how this change affects NS4.7
* The [[SmiliesPlugin]] detects an emoticon in the hidden Gnu head and replaces it with an image, breaking the HTML.
Reported by TWiki:Main.StefanLindmark
* Reintroduce the preview - people seem to want it back.
* The LINK directive is parsed wrong in the Perl module, Chris has a fix.
* Document the [[WebMenu]] changes, e.g., how Edit Menu defaults to edit the [[TWiki/WebMenu]] when the current web does not have a WebMenu topic. To use per-web specific menus one has to first create that WebMenu topic.
* Fix CSS:
* Visited links should not have the same color as non-visited links.
* Add more "empty" templates that include the style sheet. The [[GnuSkin]] does not provide replacement remplates for all cases yet, this creates a mixed user experience.
* "Cancel Edit" is already in CVS
* The disturbing JavaScript stuff from the edit template is removed in CVS
* Batched diffs is checked in, there is still things todo but existing code is sufficient. The following is an example of how the documentation could read:
* Revisions to show when using "View Diffs" in the GNUskin.
### Release 2.0
The new 2.x branch intended for TWiki:Codev/BeijingRelease
* I18N fixes for the 2.0 release. The Beijing release prompts this, see TWiki:Plugins/InternationalisingYourSkin
* Add option to turn preview mode off.
* _Roll back to topic revision X_
* Other adaptations for the Beijing release of TWiki.
### Future releases
* I would **so** much like to have two buttons in edit mode: "Save Now!" and "Preview First"
* Maybe someone else is working on this, TWiki:Main.ColasNahaboo? See TWiki:Codev/SavemultiCgiScript
* The [[WebMenu]] could use some animations, maybe this is possible if we can detect java script in a better fashion than is done in the [[TigerSkin]]?
* Separate the side bar, the [[WebMenu]], from the [[GnuSkinPlugin]].
* Implement a better TWiki:Codev/GoIsSearch for the search field. The semantics are already descibed on TWiki, so an implementation shouldn't take too long to cook up.
* Parametrisize more.
* User configurable everything, as far as possible.
* The top logo could perhaps be removed altogether, and/or be more user customizable.
* Fix the CSS stuff - one should be able to use a style sheet that "matches" the chosen web color better. (matches/complements/whatever).
* Use customizable menu. Be able to use the standard TWiki menus?
### Comments?
Created this brainstorm topic for the [[GnuSkin]]. Mostly for my own usage, but probably useful to others as well.
-- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 17 Feb 2003
CVS version per 2003-02-18 will not show icons correctly in Netscape 4.79/Solaris. Only the "More" icon is shown. See snapshot below.

-- TWiki:Main.StefanLindmark - 21 Feb 2003
I18N modifications required to use new I18N features in TWiki incorporated into templates. Please see attached diff file for diffs againt [[GnuSkin]] CVS 2003-02-18.
-- TWiki:Main.StefanLindmark - 21 Feb 2003
Problem with interference with [[SmiliesPlugin]] is also solved in the i18n diffs with a slight modification of the ASCII graphic.
-- TWiki:Main.StefanLindmark - 21 Feb 2003
Display problem in NS 4.79 solved. Was caused by HTML being mangled resulting in a lost close tag for TD. Attached diff against twiki.gnu.tmpl is the cure
-- TWiki:Main.StefanLindmark - 21 Feb 2003